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The News of the Networks

Newsletter N°61 - September 2020
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Have a good start!

TheAbes wishes the best possible start to the new school year to the member institutions of its networks, and encourages and congratulates the teams involved. For its part, it continues to provide all its services, including face-to-face training: interested agents should consult the "Training " pages of the new website.

The new website

L'Abes is pleased to unveil its new website, designed to better present the Agency's missions and report on its activities, in a graphic version that is easy to read on all types of media and complies with accessibility standards. Throughout the design of the site, tests were organised with user panels to gather opinions and advice. Thank you to all those who invested in it.

Support for Beirut libraries

Contacts were established, as soon as the day after the 4 August disaster, between the COBIAC association (Collective of Librarians and Cultural Workers) and Lebanese libraries.Abes The ABF and the ADBU alerted him in the following days. In fact, a member library of the networkSudoc, the Lebanese branch of the French Institute of the Near East, was damaged by the explosion, without the agents, the public or the collections being affected, fortunately.

National licenses

Three new corpuses of ebooks have been acquired by l'Abes as part of the ColEx-Persée programme, for all French higher education and research institutions, as well as BnF.
These resources are now accessible on the publishers' platforms for all institutions with an account on the website
. Eventually, they will be integrated into the ISTEX platform.
Abes has reported the collections to Sudoc and generated KBart files which have already been integrated into the national BACON knowledge base.
Details by publisher:

BRILL: The Religions in the Graeco-Roman World Online collection includes 240 ebooks originally published between 1961 and 2020 in three collections specialising in Greek and Roman religion.
KARGER: 113 e-book titles in medicine, published between 2015 and 2019.
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS: the full-scale Evidence Based Acquistion (EBA) test was completed on 15 July with the permanent purchase of the 110 most popular e-book titles in the political science collections.
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The life of networks

Icon Network Authorities IdRef

Network IdRef

NATIONAL ENTITY FILE PROJECT: after a study phase, and then the production of a proof of concept, the project is entering a phase of initial development. This is an opportunity to take stock of what it is, what it is not, and its schedule. A specific tab is now devoted to it on the website, since the project is attached to this national programme.
COLLABORATION WITH THE RERO NETWORK: the member libraries of the Swiss RERO network will enter their authorities into IdRef and then, after a period of training for their staff, they will contribute to the database via theIdRef production interface. TheAbes will explain to the network, when the time comes, the challenges of this collaboration.
WINIBW IDREF SCRIPT : a new script is offered to cataloguers, after it has been tested by several Cataloguing and Authorities Correspondents (we thank them here). It allows to link and create authority records from WinIBW, with the facilities offered by IdRef. A J.e-course will be held on 17 September.
Network Icon Calames

Calames network

A STRENGTHENED TEAM:Abes welcomes the arrival on 1 September of Etienne Naddeo, curator of libraries, who will be responsible in particular for running the network Calames. The rest of the team will keep their workload, and he will be able to ensure better reactivity and better follow-up of the assistance. His mission is to deepen exchanges within the network by reactivating the WG Calames, enriching the documentation, and collecting and following up users' expectations.
Network Icon Sudoc

Sudoc network

    SUDOC 2021 AGREEMENTS: for the year 2021, an agreement will be established, on the same model as the current agreement, with two adjustments to the text: one concerning the duration (from 1 January to 31 December 2021), the other concerning invoicing (during this transitional year before the new 2022 agreement, the amount of the invoice will be identical to that paid in 2020). The Relationship Officers atAbes have been informed.

    NEW VERSION OF THE "IMPORTS INTO THE SUDOC" MANUAL: the manual, accessible from the "Coordinator's Documentary Portal Sudoc", in the GM, has been improved and enriched, to facilitate navigation, detail and clarify the contents (remember to refresh the page in your browser with F5).
    SUPEB TRAINING Supeb training: the training scheme for the ILL module of WinIBW will alternate, this year, remote sessions and self-training. New Supeb users are therefore invited to follow an introductory webinar on 22/09, then to self-train via the tutorial proposed, and finally to ask their questions during a concluding webinar on 12/10.
    Coordinators Sudoc and staff in charge of the peb have been informed of the modalities of registration to this scheme.

    SEARCH BY "FORM OR GENRE" IN THE SUDOC: the entry by cataloguers of this indexing in zone B608 makes it possible to search for resources in the catalogue Sudoc according to their form or genre. Indeed, the "Form; genre" index is now operational in the catalogue: it appears in the drop-down menu of available indexes of the simple and advanced search.
    SudocPS Network icon

    Sudoc PS network

    2021-2023 AGREEMENTS : the projects submitted by each RC are being examined to determine the annual subsidies paid by theAbes.

    ACTIVITIES OF THE RCs: at the end of the three-year agreement of the Network Centres Sudoc-PS 2018-2020, it is now time to take stock. The Continuous Resources Department publishes the quantitative analysis of the projects and activities that have been carried out.
    AUTHOR ACCESS IN ZONE B7XX Two documents are available to cataloguers of continuing resources: one is an instruction document, the other (produced by Christine Hecht, head of CR at the BNU in Strasbourg, whom we thank) is a summary in the form of a slide show.

    ALIGNMENT SUDOC-MIR@BEL: last June, the insertion in the records Sudoc of the URL of the document on the Mir@bel platform and of an identifier of the "MIR_id" type made it possible to align approximately 16,800 records common to these two networks. Thus, a user of Sudoc will be able, from the record in our catalogue, to jump to the content of the open access resource on the Mir@bel platform.
    The partnership with Mir@bel will be strengthened with other actions.
    Icon Network Theses

    Theses network

    DIFFUSION OF ELECTRONIC DOCTORATE THESES : the Theses Department ofAbes publishes the report "The diffusion of French electronic doctorate theses - statistical assessment 2020", established from the corpus of data processed in Star.
    BETTER RESOLVE ERROR FILES IN STAR: a help page has been created to enable stakeholders in Star to better manage "KO" status files.
    CATALOGUE GUIDELINES: important updates have been made in the GM.
    The page concerning the cataloguing of lost theses has been updated, a summary table has been added.
    A page concerning the cataloguing of undeposited / uncorrected theses has been created.
    These instructions will be presented during an e-course on 15 October.
    A NEW F.A.Q. FOR THESES.FR: the search engine now offers an online help (pictogram "Question mark"), enriched with a Frequently Asked Questions. Thank you for communicating this information to colleagues in charge of doctoral training and services to researchers.
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    Dates to remember

    • 17/09: J.e-course "The Idref script of WinIBW".
    • 22/09: webinar 1 "Supeb".
    • 12/10: webinar 2 "Supeb".
    • 15/10: J.e-course "Reporting lost theses (continued) and un-deposited / uncorrected theses".
    Magnifying glass icon

    Spotlight on

    Open Science Skills Training

    The LIBER WG "Digital Skills for library staff and researchers" has published an analysis of selected Open Science training programmes in some 20 European countries.
    At the end of the analysis, the WG proposes recommendations for an institution wishing to set up Open Science skills training.

    At the same time, the WG has produced a poster on this subject.
    poster liber
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    Bibliographic Agency of Higher Education
    227 avenue Professeur Jean-Louis Viala - 34193 MONTPELLIER
    L'Abes, an agency of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
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