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The News of the Networks

Newsletter N°67 - March 2021
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happy new year 2021

Open Science: building a network of international experts

TheAbes relays and supports the call for expression of interest for the constitution of a college of international experts, launched by the College "Europe and International" of the Committee for Open Science (CoSo). Applications are open until 15 March 2021.

Abes favours open source for its IT development policy

In line with its IT master plan, the Agency applies an IT development policy based on the opening up of codes, which facilitates the sharing of good practices, enables continuous integration and improves quality.

Bibliographic Transition

The presentations of the Rameau information day, which took place on 12 January, are online, including the one on the application of the reform in Sudoc.
From spring 2021, the "Standardisation" group of the national Bibliographic Transition programme is setting up a new sub-group responsible for developing the specialised part of the RDA-EN code dedicated to continuing resources, with a particular focus on Works and Expressions. To set up this group, a call for applications has been launched among CR managers and staff in charge of electronic documentation in their institution.
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The life of networks

Icon Network Authorities IdRef

Network IdRef

STATISTICS ON AUTHORITIES IN WEBSTATS: at a time when institutions are looking for information for the annual activity reports or the ESGBU, the statistics given by Webstats are sometimes surprising, displaying a higher number of record modifications than expected. Abes makes many data corrections, simulating the identity of the last RCR number to modify the record, so as not to disrupt the operation of the remote assistance ofIdRef (requests of the "Improve the record" or "Report an error" type must be sent to this RCR). This explains the discrepancy sometimes seen in the statistics.
ALIGNMENTS WITH HAL IDENTIFIERS :Abes has proceeded to an alignment calculation between IdRef and IdHAL, the identifier of HAL users (the latter being often researchers). More than 24 000 IdHal, that is to say more than the half of the existing IdHAL, are from now on stored in the corresponding records IdRef (in zone A035). For information, 3 years ago, there were "only" about 10 000.
Network Icon Calames

Calames network

ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT: it is now possible to obtain, in addition to the institution's connection account at Calames , several temporary connection accounts for temporary cataloguers or permanent accounts for sections of the same institution using Calames.
END OF USE OF CALAMES IE:Abes announces the end of use of the "Calames IE" version of the production tool, by December 2021. Any user working on this version is invited to uninstall it and replace it with the "Calames Office" version. In case of problems, please contact the helpdesk.

CATALOGUE CONSULTATION IN 2020: during this disrupted year, did the consultation of the Calames catalogue increase? A comprehensive study will reveal the consultation statistics and profile of the typical catalogue visitor. It will be used to partly define the next evolutions of the public interface.
VIEWING IMAGES IN THE CATALOGUE: A new mode of viewing digitised documents is now available. Abes recommends that user manuals be updated if this feature is documented in them.
Network Icon Sudoc

Sudoc network

    IMPORTS QUALITY: A manual of guidelines on expected data quality is now available. It is intended for libraries wishing to import records, but also for publishers and aggregators of information resources.
    BACON: the BAse de COnnaissance Nationale makes available the file mentioning the accesses to the resources of the ROAD directory (Répertoire des ressources académiques en libre accès), fruit of a collaboration with the ISSN centre.
    TRAINING ON DEDUBLING: one of the needs expressed in the survey on the Cataloguing Correspondent function was for training on the activity of bibliographic deduplication. A J.e-course will be devoted to this subject on 18 March.
    SudocPS Network icon

    Sudoc PS network

    EPLOURIBOUSSE, AN APPLICATION TO DEDUPLING PERIODICALS : the University of Strasbourg is launching the promotion of Eplouribousse, a free web application designed to facilitate the deduplication of periodical collections.Abes The team that created the application (whose source code is freely available at GitHub ) is offering two videoconferences to present the application, on 11 and 15 March, at 2pm.
    A VIRTUAL MEETING IN MAY: an online day for the Heads of Centres of the Network Sudoc-PS is confirmed for 20 May. The agenda is currently being validated, based on proposals made by those concerned.

    2020 ACTIVITY REPORT: the heads of the Network Centres Sudoc-PS are invited to send their activity report for the year 2020 before 31 March.

    LOCALISED SUDOC RECORDS ACCESSIBLE FROM ISSN PORTAL: since mid-February, a URL link has been set up between the records accessible via the free version of ISSN Portal and the corresponding record, if it includes locations, in Sudoc. This alignment makes it possible to better correct possible inconsistencies between the Register data, which is uploaded to Sudoc every two months, and the data under the responsibility of the cataloguers of theAbes networks.
    Icon Network Theses

    Theses network

    STEP TRAINING: a distance learning cycle for the STEP application is proposed on 11 March.
    STAR TRAINING: due to health conditions, the next training session for new Correspondents Star is proposed at a distance, from 29 to 31 March 2021.
    MORE VISIBILITY FOR THESIS IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES: "Techniques de l'ingénieur" is the most important technical and scientific documentary resource in French. TheAbes collaborates with it to reinforce the visibility of doctoral theses in engineering sciences: each month, the Réseau National des Écoles Doctorales Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur (REDOC SPI) selects theses, posted on, related to the theme of the dossier proposed by the magazine "Techniques de l'ingénieur". At the source, it is the quality of the metadata produced by the network that allows this visibility.
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    Dates to remember

    • from 01 to 04/03: training"Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" in Paris - MNHN, given by Marie-Line Guillaumée, trainer-relais
    • from 08 to 11/03: training"Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" in Paris - Cnam, given by Gaëlle Bahèzre, trainer-relais
    • 11/03 : online STEP training
    • from 15 to 18/03: training"Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" in Rennes and Strasbourg-BNU, given by Aurore Sorieux and Margot Turco, trainer-relais
    • 18/03: J.e-course "Deduplication".
    • from 23 to 26/03:"Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" training in Bordeaux, given by Valentin Fournier, trainer-relais
    • from 29 to 31/03:"STAR Correspondent" online training
    • from 29/03 to 01/04: training"Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" in Paris BSG, given by Emilie Trompille, trainer-relais
    • 31/03: deadline for sending the 2020 activity reports of the centres in the network Sudoc-PS
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    Spotlight on

    Identifiers: BnF's policy

    BnF publishes the fundamental principles from which it develops its strategy for all identifiers. It also states in the document its degree of commitment: for some identifiers, it is involved in governance (ISSN, ISNI); for others, it is committed to ensuring systematic alignments (IdRef is one of these).

    Identifiers:Abes, ISIL awarding agency

    The International Standard Library Identifier (ISIL) is used to identify libraries in order to facilitate automated bibliographic services (acquisition, lending, etc.). Abes is the national agency responsible for assigning ISIL identifiers.

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    The electronic addresses collected are recorded in a computer file by the Agence Bibliographique de l'Enseignement Supérieur (Abes) and are strictly reserved for sending the newsletter "L'actu des réseaux". They are kept for the duration of the subscription and are intended for the agents ofAbes who administer the subscription management file. This information will not be transmitted to any other recipient. In accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 modified in 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, any person may exercise his or her rights of access, rectification and opposition by contacting
    Bibliographic Agency of Higher Education
    227 avenue Professeur Jean-Louis Viala - 34193 MONTPELLIER
    L'Abes, an agency of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
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