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The News of the Networks

Newsletter N°85 - November 2022
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Publication of Arabesques no. 107

In a special reportentitled "AI: when the machine serves the collections", a number of testimonials show that, through archive processing, open science, bibliographic research and text mining, artificial intelligence is gradually becoming part of librarians' daily lives.
Please note: AI is one of the main focuses of theAbes "Lab" (see article by Yann Nicolas, " Acclimatizing AI atAbes : the sowing period ").
An image of...

GitHub Abes remains open to your contributions.

Created byAbes to group together the source codes of its applications developed exclusively in open source, since 2019 the "GitHub" organization has also welcomed the source codes of applications developed by establishments wishing to share them at national level to the whole ESR.
9 applications created by network members have already been submitted.

SGB 2022 Day

Save the date! The SGB 2022 day will take place on Monday December 12, online (it will be recorded for those who are not available on that day). It will provide an update on the post-mBMS era, on the synchronization of BMSs with Sudoc, and on the 2022 market software survey conducted by Tosca Consultants. Site managers will be informed of registration procedures.

Bibliographic transition

The 7th "Metadata in Libraries" professional day, organized by the Systems and Data group of the national Bibliographic Transition program, will take place online over half a day on November 25, 2022. This event will focus on building and putting online a dataset in UNIMARC format that complies with IFLA LRM modeling.
Launch of the RDA-FR ontology: the two national agencies launch work on the creation of the RDA-FR ontology (the data model that will contain the RDA-FR entities and their relationships, in a language suitable for machines).

National licenses

ARCHIVES OF THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT: this is the first time that a corpus of digital resources acquired under national license has been listed in the Calames catalog, available to all members of the ESR. A two-part post on the Punktokomo blog looks back at the choices, both intellectual and technical, made for this listing.
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The life of networks

Icon Network Authorities IdRef

Network IdRef

NEW VERSION OF PAPRIKA: a new version of the data curation application went live on October 21. It offers new search modalities, and distinguishes access points from bibliographic records without copies.
The documentation has been updated and the new features presented during a J.e-course, now available online.
IdREF NOVELTY : thanks to the enrichment work carried out by the Correspondants Autorités et Responsables CR on the communities that publish journals (see the brief "in the "Réseau Sudoc-PS" block" below), a Mir@bel insert is now present in the IdRef publisher records. This insert makes it possible to view and link to Mir@bel on the publisher's titles.

QUALITY PROJECT: a call for volunteers has been launched among Authority Correspondents, to complete the "Enrichment of authority records for status 1 natural persons" project (records are too succinct and need to be completed). The Authority Correspondents have been informed.

ORCID: the functionalities of ORCID's Affiliation Manager tool are now described in a functional diagram, accompanied by an FAQ, available on the community website. Many thanks to the 9 ORCID correspondents, to whom we owe these documents.
Network Icon Calames

Calames network

RECORDS IN CONTEXTS" STANDARD: on November 16, the French National Archives will be hosting an information webinar on the "Records in Contexts" standard, a model for describing archives by entity developed under the aegis of the ICA (International Council on Archives), the first complete version of which is currently being prepared.
MOISSONNAGE DE CALAMES PAR FRANCEARCHIVES: une enquête-flash (ouverte jusqu'au 24 novembre prochain) vise à recenser les établissements qui veulent voir leurs données Calames récolonnées par le portail FranceArchives du SIAF (Service Interministériel des Archives de France). The joint effort byAbes and SIAF to clarify the harvesting of Calames by FranceArchives is part of an overall initiative by the Agency to facilitate the sharing and retrieval of data by the various national and international catalogs likely to reuse them, and to ensure the uniqueness of the identifiers present in these data.
Network Icon Sudoc

Sudoc network

    RETROSPECTIVE REPORTING:Abes is tasked by the MESR with coordinating the national retrospective reporting policy at Sudoc , and as such can contribute to the funding of operations likely to enrich the catalog. The 2023 call for projects has been launched, and will run until December 16, 2022. Abes has been informed.
    UNIMARC 2023 NEWS : the next Unimarc implementations will take place at the beginning of January 2023. Our support system is ready: Sudoc Coordinators can send specifications and sample records to their BMS suppliers; Correspondents can familiarize themselves with these new features thanks to methodological guide sheets, and inform their teams; catalogers can train on WinIBW's test and exercise database. A J.e-course is scheduled for early January.
    CLINICALKEY STUDENT PACKAGE : the resources in this package (published by Elsevier-Masson) have been consolidated and enriched by several network establishments and byAbes. Instructions for automatic exemplarization (or retrieval of enriched records from the BMS) have been sent to coordinators. A dedicated page has been created in the electronic resources reporting manual.
    BACON SURVEY: establishments are invited to respond to a short survey on the content that should be integrated as a priority into the BACON National Knowledge Base. The Sudoc coordinators have been informed. The survey is open until November 30.
    CONTINUING TRAINING: a J.e-course on regular transfers is scheduled for November 24. Its aim is to remind you of the problems that can arise during transfers, and to focus on the choice of the "All updates" option versus the "Clean updates" option.

    NETWORK CONTRIBUTIONS: Virginie Golliat, coordinator Sudoc and formatter-relais (Bibliothèque de l'université catholique de Lyon) shares with the network a document summarizing all the accesses (Agents, Titles) that can be made in a record Sudoc. It can be accessed in the "Network contributions" tab of the GM, in the "Cataloguing tools" block. Many thanks to her!
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    Sudoc PS network

    PROFESSIONAL DAYS : On November 24, the Centres in the Sudoc-PS network in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region will be holding a study day. The 3 CRs will welcome you in Bordeaux, Limoges or Poitiers with hybrid face-to-face and remote presentations, on the theme "How to make your periodicals visible in Nouvelle-Aquitaine and beyond?".
    Erratum: the professional day of CR 32 - Arts and archaeology (INHA) will take place in Paris in mid-February 2023 and not on November 30, 2022 as announced in the previous issue of this newsletter.

    ENHANCING THE CORPUS OF COMMUNITY NOTICES TO SERVE MIR@BEL'S NEEDS: the operation to align Mir@bel editors with local authority editors IdRef, for which the networks of Authority Correspondents and CR managers were called upon, has come to an end. Of the 650 or so alignments to be established, 411 have been completed. This editor-thon has enabled us to increase the number of alignments from 3,103 to 3,514, and now covers over 90% of French Mir@bel editors. Work is continuing on the remaining 244 French publishers, with checks on Mir@bel data before alignment at IdRef.
    Icon Network Theses

    Theses network

    THESES.FR SEARCH ENGINE OVERHAUL : the search engine is currently undergoing a complete overhaul. The project involves the introduction of:
    - a newer, more efficient search engine for theses and for people connected with theses;
    - a responsive interface accessible to people with disabilities;
    - a "Higher Education and Research" access reserved for all theses for which the author has refused online distribution.
    The project should be completed by the end of 2023.
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    Dates to remember

    • November 14 to 17: "Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" training course in Toulouse, given by Carole Vaccari, relay trainer
    • November 16-18: "Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Calames" training course at Paris La Mazarine, run by Patrick Latour and Yoann Brault, relay trainers
    • November 21-24: "Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" training courses in Aix-en-Provence and Lyon, given by Régine Raymond and Virginie Golliat, trainer-relais.
    • November 24: J.e-course on regular transfers
    • November 24: close offlash survey Calames
    • November 25:"Metadata in libraries" online professional day
    • November 28 to December 1:"Correspondant Calames" training course at theAbes
    • November 28 to December 1: "Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" training course at Paris Cnam, given by Gaëlle Bahèzre, training consultant
    • November 30: closure of the"BACON contents" survey
    • December 12: SGB 2022 Day, online
    • December 16: end of the"retrospective reporting" call for projects at Sudoc
    Magnifying glass icon

    Spotlight on

    Urbanization of theAbes

    Did you know? The Agency manages over 25 different applications and websites for its networks and almost as many internal applications for its own operations. Faced with this number and complexity, the much-needed urbanization of its information system was launched back in 2016.
    An article in issue no. 23 of "La collection numérique" (produced by AMUE) describes the means and method used to mapAbes's IS.
    The more inquisitive will discover, for example, the relationships between IS infrastructure elements for an application such as "Item", a self-service application enabling establishments to manage their copy data from Sudoc.

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    Bibliographic Agency of Higher Education
    227 avenue Professeur Jean-Louis Viala - 34193 MONTPELLIER
    Abes, an agency of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
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