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The News of the Networks

Newsletter N°83 - September 2022
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TheAbes wishes an excellent start to the 2022 academic year to all colleagues who are members of its networks!

Change of direction

After two 3-year mandates, Mr. David Aymonin is stepping down as head of the agency. He will be succeeded by Nicolas Morin as of October 8.

The Journées Abes 2022 videos are online!

Recordings of the plenary sessions are available on theAbes website page dedicated to this day.

Registration opens for 2022-2023 training courses

Registration is now open for training courses organized byAbes .

Bibliographic transition

The "Metadata in Libraries" professional day, organized each year by the Systems and Data group of the national Bibliographic Transition program, will take place on November 25, 2022.
Etienne Cavalié (deputy director of BnF's Metadata Department) has published three blog posts on the subject of bibliographic transition: the first defines the concept of "transition", the second explains what it is used for, and the third discusses the need for an ontology for RDA-FR.
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The life of networks

Icon Network Authorities IdRef

Network IdRef

QUALITY CHANTIER: enrichment of status 1 Physical Person authority records continued over the summer (almost 1,000 records enriched during this period). Since the beginning of the project, in addition to the records processed byAbes, over 5,200 records have been enhanced by the network's establishments. We would like to thank all the authority correspondents and others involved in this project.

CONTINUING TRAINING: two "J.e-courses" are offered to Authority Correspondents in September:
"Cataloguing authority records for ESR laboratories" on September 22 and "Merging authority records in WinIBW and IdRef" on September 29.
Network Icon Calames

Calames network

STUDY DAY: Occitanie Livre & Lecture is organizing a study day in Toulouse on October 6, 2022, devoted to the heritage of children's books.
Network Icon Sudoc

Sudoc network

    UNIMARC 2023 NEWS : the implementations to be carried out in January 2023, to keep pace with developments in the UNIMARC bibliographic format, were communicated to BMS suppliers at the beginning of June. They are listed in a summary document. The impact on cataloguing instructions, as well as the precise timetable for this project, will be communicated to coordinators in September.
    QUALIMARC, A NEW TOOL SOON TO BE AVAILABLE: the development of QualiMarc, the future online tool for assessing the quality of Sudoc bibliographic records, was launched this summer! The project, which involves 5 network establishments for the first time, is revealed in a blog post on Punktokomo.
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    Sudoc PS network

    EXPORT MODIFICATION : the export of field B959 (L01 in CR format) will be slightly modified from January 2023, so that the exported data undergoes no transformation and is identical to the way it was entered into WinIBW or Colodus. Coordinators Sudoc have been informed.

    Icon Network Theses

    Theses network

    2016 ARRÊTÉ UPDATE: the decree of May 25, 2016 setting out the national framework for training and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma has been updated by the decree of August 26, 2022. Theses network members have been informed of the main changes.
    STATISTICS: national statistics on doctorates are available in two official documents: "L'État de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation en France" (see sheets 39 and 40) and "Repères et références statistiques" (see chapters 6.03 and 7.31).
    ADUM IMPORTS INTO STEP AND STAR: the procedures for importing from ADUM into the Step and Star applications have been modified since July 18, with no need for manual intervention on the part of Correspondents. A "J.e-courses" will be offered to network members, to take stock of these changes and answer any questions they may have.

    Dates to remember

    Event icon

    • September 22: J.e-cours "Cataloguing authority records for ESR laboratories".
    • September 26-29: "Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" training course in Bordeaux, run by Valentin Fournier, trainer-relais
    • September 29: J.e-cours "Merging authority records in WinIBW and IdRef ".
    • October 4:"SUPEB user - introduction" online training course
    • October 17-19:"Coordinator" training Sudoc at theAbes
    • October 17-20: "Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" training course in Dijon, Strasbourg and Arras, given by Frédéric Parent, Margot Turco and Virginie Lelong, trainer and trainer-relais.
    Magnifying glass icon

    Spotlight on

    A game about intellectual property

    As part of the call for projects launched by GIS URFIST in 2019, of which the University of Guyana was a winner, its Service commun de la Documentation produced a board game on image reuse entitled "Dura Lex Sed Lex". A digital "video game" adaptation was produced in 2021. Both formats are freely available on the Zenodo open archive under the Creative Commons BY NC SA license.
    The poster describing this project was awarded 2nd prize at the Journées Abes 2022.
    For further information:
    Poster DGDBM
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    Bibliographic Agency of Higher Education
    227 avenue Professeur Jean-Louis Viala - 34193 MONTPELLIER
    L'Abes, an agency of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
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