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The News of the Networks

Newsletter N°63 - November 2020
Information icon

Survey on Arabesques readership

As part of the preparation of the 100th issue of the magazine (to be published in 2021), the editorial board is launching an online survey to find out the profile, opinions and expectations of readers. The survey is anonymous and individual, and is open until 15 November.

Bibliographic Transition

The meeting of the Permanent Unimarc Committee took place remotely, last September. Héloïse Lecomte, in charge of standardisation atAbes, represented France.
A look back, in two blog posts, at the validated changes to the format and the adaptation of Unimarc to LRM.
The annual study day of the "System and Data" group will take place, remotely, on 4 December 2020 on the theme"Catalogue by entities or the big bang of data!"
man versus oridnator

National licenses

The last acquisition of the ISTEX programme is now integrated into the platform: 578 e-books from the Droz publisher, from the "Calvin" and "Humanisme et Renaissance" portals. The other corpora purchased byAbes for integration into the platform (national CollEX-Persée licences, national Elsevier licences, data acquired as part of the support plan for French publishing) will be integrated in the next few months.

Impact of containment onAbes

Due to the new health measures :
  • the training courses planned atAbes (Coordinator Sudoc, Correspondent Star, Correspondent Calames of an establishment in deployment) are maintained on the planned dates, but offered in distance mode.
  • the bridging courses Calames and Sudoc depend on the decision of the host institution: see the "Dates to remember" block below for details. Each registrant will be informed individually, including for last minute changes.
  • all professional applications can be used for teleworking (for installation of WinIBW, contact the school's coordinator Sudoc ).
  • all the services of theAbes are maintained; the teams remain available, behind the ABESstp help desk, to answer any specific request.
Network icon

The life of networks

Icon Network Authorities IdRef

Network IdRef

ORCID FRANCE COMMUNITY: the governance of the ORCID France consortium is now finalised: Isabelle Blanc, Research Data Administrator (AMDRESI) at MESRI since the beginning of November 2020, has been appointed as a representative of the scientific communities and sits on the executive committee.

EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE ABOUT ORCID: on DoRANum, the training platform for research data, supported by INIST-CNRS and the Urfist network, an infographic is proposed, useful for promoting the identifier to the university community.
VISIBILITY OF THE HAL PUBLICATIONS IN THE IDREF NOTICES: thanks to the operations of alignment realized by theAbes, between the identifiers of the two bases (IdRef and HAL), the list of the HAL publications of an author is from now on visible in its notice IdRef.
ZOTERO CONNECTOR FOR IDREF: thanks to this connector, it is now possible to create an author's bibliography in Zotero from bibliographic references known toIdRef, whatever their source. Zotero thus makes the pivotal and aggregation role ofIdRef tangible, particularly for contemporary people working in the RSE.
Network Icon Calames

Calames network

REORGANISATION OF THE CALAMES WG: this WG is the network's consultation and representation body, created a dozen years ago. Since then, many institutions have joined the network, andAbes would like to allow them to enrich the work of the WG by bringing in new points of view. A call for applications to join this WG was launched in October, until 6 November, to the directors of institutions, members or future members of the network Calames.

REVIEW OF THE "QUALITY" WORKSHOPS: during the spring 2020 lockdown, suggestions for quality workshops, accompanied by methodological advice, were offered to the network's establishments. Based on the initial feedback received,Abes is now proposing an assessment of the good work carried out during this period.
Network Icon Sudoc

Sudoc network

    CALL FOR BACKGROUND PROJECTS: Institutions wishing to apply for a grant for backgound operations can do so until 18 December.
    WORLDCAT 2021 MEMBERSHIP: Sudoc member institutions (with more than 5,000 holdings) have the opportunity each year to make their collections visible in WorldCat. To renew their participation in 2021, or to benefit from it for the first time, the directors of documentary structures must announce themselves before November 25. Please contactAbes for more information.

    REVIEW OF THE "QUALITY" WORKSHOPS: during the spring 2020 lockdown, suggestions for quality workshops, accompanied by methodological advice, were offered to the network's establishments. Based on the initial feedback received,Abes is now proposing an assessment of the good work carried out during this period.
    ENRICHMENT OF THE DEDUBLING MANUAL: the "Deduplication" manual now centralises all the information on this activity, and the instructions to be applied, for both bibliographic and authority records.
    SUPEB SELF-LEARNING : the 2020 self-training cycle is now over, but all teaching resources remain available on the self-training platform
    FLASH SURVEYS : the coordinators Sudoc and the Cataloguing Correspondents have been asked to participate in two flash surveys. The first, on the BMSs in use in the network, will make it possible to propose an updated list on our website. The results of the second, on the use of the "Correspondents" script in WinIBW, will enable us to better understand the needs of colleagues in charge of deduplication operations. Thank you to them for their collaboration!
    SudocPS Network icon

    Sudoc PS network

    2021-2023 CONVENTION: Abes thanks the RC managers for all the projects received, which testify to the great vitality of the network. The arbitration meeting for the distribution of grants by project was held at the end of October. Each RC manager will be informed in the coming weeks, in order to sign the agreement.
    TRAINING OF NEW RC MANAGERS :Abes has trained the new Centre Managers of the Sudoc-PS Network. Welcome to them! The training materials are available to all on the self-training platform.
    Icon Network Theses

    Theses network

    DOCTOR'S GUIDE: the Doctoral Student's Guide, made available to institutions and doctoral students byAbes, has been updated and completely redesigned. It is no longer a brochure, but a documentary portal, accessible online. We invite you to distribute this guide to doctoral students, doctoral colleges, doctoral schools and thesis directors.
    STATISTICS 2019 ON DOCTORS AND DOCTORANDS: the annual publication "Repères et références statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche" (RERS) has just been put online on the website MESRI. Chapter 6 contains a section devoted to doctors and doctoral students, and chapter 7 is devoted to the professional integration of doctors.
    CONSIGNMENT FOR ENTERING THE "$" IN THE ABSTRACTS: a thesis form in which the abstract contains the character "$" will henceforth be refused for import into Sudoc. The contributors in Star are invited to enter the term "dollar" in full and, for the abstracts in LaTeX, to encode the text of the abstract in UTF8 beforehand.

    ETD 2020 CONGRESS: The Electronic Thesis and Dissertation conference will be held online from 16 to 18 November. It is free and open to all.
    Event icon

    Dates to remember

    • 06/11: closing of the call for applications to join the WG Calames
    • 16/11 to 18/11: ETD 2020Congress
    • from 16/11 to 19/11: "Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" training course in Lyon [maintained] and Strasbourg [subject to change], given by Virginie Golliat and Margot Turco, relay trainers
    • from 18/11 to 20/11: "Correspondent / Cataloguer" training course Calamesin Paris - La Mazarine [maintained], given by Patrick Latour, trainer-relator
    • 25/11 : WorldCatmembership deadline
    • from 30/11 to 03/12 [to be confirmed]: "Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" training in Paris (BSG), given by Emilie Trompille, trainer-relais
    • from 03/12 to 04/12 [to be confirmed] : analysis of practices seminar for Cataloguing Correspondents in Lyon (Mediat Rhône-Alpes)
    • from 07/12 to 10/12 [to be confirmed]: "Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" training course in Aix-en-Provence, given by Régine Raymond, trainer-relais
    • 08/12: CR Occitanie Midi-Pyrénées study day "Periodicals and Research
    • from 14/12 to 17/12 [to be confirmed]: "Catalogueur d'un établissement du réseau Sudoc" training course in Rennes, given by Aurore Sorieux, trainer-relais
    • 18/12: end of the call for proposals Retroconversion Sudoc
    Magnifying glass icon

    Spotlight on

    Initiatives to promote open science

    Many institutions participated in the International Open Access Week, from 19 to 25 October: conferences, HAL deposit workshops, training courses....(see all the events)
    We welcome the creation and availability of four new educational resources:
    Many educational resources are available on the Zenodo ADBU - information skills sharing space.

    TheAbes, through its activities concerning identifiers, the promotion of open access journals, "open access" clauses in contracts for the acquisition of electronic resources and the provision of computer codes for applications, acts on a daily basis for open science.
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    Bibliographic Agency of Higher Education
    227 avenue Professeur Jean-Louis Viala - 34193 MONTPELLIER
    L'Abes, an agency of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
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