The Sudoc PS Network, a national network for reporting Serial Publications

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The network Sudoc PS - Serials coordinates the reporting of serials and continuing resources within its member libraries and documentation centres.

The Sudoc PS network is broader in scope than the network Sudocand includes libraries and documentation centres outside the scope of the ESR (such as municipal libraries, documentation and archive centres). These institutions are identified for the potential usefulness of the periodical collections preserved, particularly for research purposes.

Namely: any documentary structure that makes available serial publications at university and research level is invited to participate in the network Sudoc PS.

Dossier: The ecosystem of continuous resources
Collections between flow and deposit

A device for agreement on objectives

In accordance with the recommendations of the report The future of Sudoc PS (2009), a system of target-based agreements was introduced from 2010 in order to take better account of the projects carried out within the Centres of the Network Sudoc PS.

By supporting the projects of each Centre in the Sudoc PS network, this mechanism offers greater visibility to the missions of the RC managers, particularly in the context of their missions to prospect for new libraries and to lead the network. TheAbes promotes projects or structuring actions aiming at including the Centres of the Sudoc PS network in a territorial and multi-partner logic. The agreement includes :

  • a 3-year schedule
  • an annex with project descriptions
  • indicators to measure the progress of the projects and condition the payment of the defined funding.

Partnerships and cooperation at national and international level

CollEx-Persée, support for project financing

Within the framework of the national CollEx-Persée - Collections of Excellence for Research, calls for projects are regularly sent to ESR libraries, some of which concern their participation in the implementation of PCPPs (Plans de Conservation Partagée des Périodiques).

CollEx-Perforated Logo Go to CollEx-Persée

CTLes, an operational partnership for CPPPs

TheAbes and the CTLes (Centre Technique du Livre pour l'enseignement supérieur), as the operator for the management of thematic PCPPs in Ile de France, have set up a partnership based on a joint document drafted in 2013 and including recommendations for the proper functioning of PCPPs as well as recommendations for their development.


to be noted In the framework of this mission, the CTLes relies on the engineering developed by the BIUS (Interuniversity Health Library) for the management of PCPPs in the medical field.

CTLES logo Access the CTLES

The FILL, Interregional Federation for Books and Reading

The cooperation betweenAbes and the FILL (Fédération Interrégionale du Livre et de la Lecture) - representing the Regional Book Structures (SRL) in the territories - is part of a framework agreement signed in July 2010, then renewed in 2013 and 2018. It concerns all types of cooperation between the Network Centres of the Sudoc PS and the SRLs, particularly the implementation and development of regional PCPPs .

FILL provides several guides to accompany professionals:

to be noted This framework agreement is in line with the recommendations of the report The Future of the Sudoc PS.

Logo FILL - Interregional Federation of Books and Reading Go to the FILL

ISSN, guaranteeing data quality

Since its inception, Sudoc has been supplied with records of continuous resources (newspapers, journals, collections, websites, blogs, etc.) provided by CIEPS (International Serials Registration Centre), also known as the International ISSN Centre, manager of the International ISSN Register, the world's main bibliographic repository.

The ISSN circuit is coordinated byAbes at national level within the framework of a privileged partnership with CIEPS. This provides for the provision of almost all ISSN records and their fortnightly update to the cataloguers of the Sudoc / Sudoc PS networks. This system promotes the quality of ISSN records by inviting network professionals to request the creation or modification of ISSN records via the professional application CIDEMIS.

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The Mir@bel network, facilitating access to magazines

Created for the CR70 (Rhône-Alpes) Professional Day, held on June 04, 2024, this freely reusable video presents Mir@bel in 30 minutes.

The first part will give you a better understanding of the network, how it works, and its advantages in terms of shared reporting and periodical promotion. You will then discover how to use Mir@bel data to enrich or correct your own content. Finally, and to take things a step further, we'll look at the various ways in which you can contribute to the collective work carried out by this network, in particular by becoming a partner.

Mir@bel logo Access Mir@bel


The network Sudoc PS has inherited the tasks and organisation of the CCN-PS (Catalogue Collectif National des Publications en Série).

In May 1982, a circular from the Direction des Bibliothèques, des Musées et de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (DBMIST) laid the first foundations of this network.