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The News of the Networks

Newsletter N°82 - July 2022
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A look back at the Journées Abes 2022

The plenary session presentations, the list of tweets exchanged and the 10 network posters are available on theAbes website page dedicated to the event.
Recordings of the plenary sessions will be available at a later date.

The 2022-2023 training calendar

The dates for training sessions organized byAbes in 2022-2023 have been published. Registration opens on September 1.

Bibliographic transition

Chapter 11 - Identification of communities - completes section 3 on agents of the RDA-FR cataloguing code. This chapter replaces Afnor standard NF Z44-060, which has been cancelled.
The minutes of the latest meeting (May 2022) of the French Unimarc Committee are now available. It describes the changes to the format, which will be implemented at Sudoc in January 2023.
The Data Quality Unit of BAPSO at the University of Grenoble-Alpes has produced an educational video to explain the impact of the transition on research and the presentation of results in our catalogs. Thanks to its creator, Lise de Baudoin, for sharing!

National licenses

NEW APPLICATION OPENED: the "National Licenses" application (not to be confused with the information website) is reserved for professionals from beneficiary establishments, and enables them to declare their IP addresses to guarantee access to resources. The new version, which went live on July 4, offers improved identification of establishments, tracking of their institutional development and secure account management.
NEW NATIONAL LICENSE: 214 e-books, published between 2003 and 2022, covering all areas of mathematics, have just been acquired under a national license. This corpus from the European Mathematical Society was acquired thanks to funding from the GIS CollEx-Persée. The Sudoc coordinators have been informed of the procedures for registering the corpus on Sudoc and in electronic documentation management tools.

ACCESS UP DATE: access via the ISTEX platform for journals from the Royal Society of London and for ebooks from Karger is now available.

"Handicaps and libraries": the summer issue of Arabesques is out!

Issue 106, dedicated to digital accessibility, is now available online.
Many thanks to all contributors to this issue.
In line with its interest in these issues,Abes has added a "Braille books" or "Large print books" index to 15,000 bibliographic records, to improve the visibility of works designed to meet the needs of disabled people in the Sudoc catalog.
The Agency is extending this approach by bringing the websites and blogs it administers into line with the Référentiel général d'amélioration de l'accessibilité.
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The life of networks

Icon Network Authorities IdRef

Network IdRef

STUDY DAY : participants at the"Star Authorities: sharing our recipes for quality data" Study Day expressed their opinions on the content presented, as well as on the organization. 95.7% of them felt that the event met their expectations. Many thanks to all the speakers!
CALL FOR COLLEX-PERSÉE PROJECTS: two projects in whichAbes is involved, for the supply of authority data fromIdRef, have won the 3rd call for projects: the "ORESM" (Œuvres et référentiels des Etudiants, Suppôts et Maîtres de l'Université de Paris) and Rev@ntiq projects, led by the Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée.

Network Icon Calames

Calames network

GT CALAMES: following the call for applications launched last May, 3 new establishments have joined the GT Calames : INHA, MSH Clermont and Cnam. Welcome to them!
Network Icon Sudoc

Sudoc network

    ALMA / SUDOC SYNCHRONIZATION : in June, institutions equipped with the Alma BMS were given a presentation on the synchronization circuit, which enables the automatic creation of copies of electronic resources in Sudoc, based on the activation of portfolios in Alma. A recording of this presentation is available.

    UNIMARC IMPLEMENTATIONS 2023: the list of new UNIMARC export features to be implemented in January 2023 has been published. These new features concern subfield adjustments and new repository values. They are not related to the Bibliographic Transition. Sudoc coordinators have been informed of these changes, and have been instructed to inform their administrators and BMS suppliers. Abes will be announcing the timetable and the impact on cataloging instructions in October.
    SudocPS Network icon

    Sudoc PS network

    CONTINUING RESOURCES AT JABES 2022: presentations from the second theme day of Jabes 2022, devoted to continuing resources, are online.
    ENHANCING THE CORPUS OF AUTHORITY RECORDS TO MEET MIR@BEL'S NEEDS: this Quality project, designed to enhance the reporting of French scientific publishing, was launched last May. Abes would like to thank the CR managers, authority correspondents and catalogers of continuing resources who took part, creating or enriching over 450 authority records for the 600 communities identified as publishers of continuing resources. Abes will create the remainder.

    MEDIADIX TRAINING: at the end of November 2022, Mediadix will be offering a face-to-face course on "Cataloguing serial publications on Sudoc". Exceptionally, the course is open free of charge to staff from all regions, as a national course linked to training needs in this field.
    Icon Network Theses

    Theses network

    ENTERING DOCTOR'S DATES OF BIRTH IN STAR: colleagues are asked to be vigilant when creating doctoral accounts directly in the STAR form (i.e. without going through the import process). In this form, a date of birth appears by default: 30/06/1980. Care must be taken to change this date, otherwise the quality of the TEF metadata describing the thesis and those identifying the doctor in IdRef may be compromised.

    Dates to remember

    Event icon

    • July 13 to August 21: closure of the "Transfers réguliers" service Sudoc
    • July 25 to September 2: closure of the "Exports on Demand" service
    • September 1: registration opens for training courses
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    Spotlight on

    Reporting to the DGDBM

    This poster won the Journées poster competition Abes 2022! Congratulations to its authors, Stéphanie Arneau and Emilie Cosson (Direction Générale Déléguée des Bibliothèques et Musées de l'Université de Paris).
    To coincide with the merger of the University, DGDBM teams overhauled the processing and reporting of collections, introducing multi-level data quality control (on a scale from 1 to 4). At the heart of this system is the systematic use of VerifSudoc, a tool for checking records (pending the introduction of theAbes diagnostic tool), as well as dedicated training courses for localization managers. The quality of processing and data is guaranteed, while giving catalogers the opportunity to put their expertise to good use on other missions: quality work, retrospective work, authorities and identifiers, among others.

    Poster DGDBM
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    Bibliographic Agency of Higher Education
    227 avenue Professeur Jean-Louis Viala - 34193 MONTPELLIER
    L'Abes, an agency of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
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