
ItAbes offers a complete pedagogical engineering system (face-to-face training, self-training, documentation, etc.) in order to support the networkSudoc 's professionals in their mission and in the use of the various tools and services available to them.

Go to the Sudoc

Cataloguer of a network institution Sudoc

Note: this free training course is aimed at cataloguers from member establishments of the Sudoc network, and is provided by the team of relay trainers accredited byAbes in one of the 12 training locations (located in the regions and in Paris). Sessions are open to all Sudoc catalogers (regardless of region).

Please note:Abes reserves the right to cancel a session in the event of insufficient numbers. 

Session calendar 2024-2025

Registration opens on Monday, September 2, 2024.

* Room not accessible to persons with reduced mobility

october to december 2024
Paris Sorbonne: October 7-10Dijon: October 14 to 17Strasbourg: October 14 to 17
Paris Sainte-Geneviève [*]: November 4 to 7Toulouse: November 18-21Arras: November 18-21
Lyon: November 25 to 28Paris CNAM: November 25-28Bordeaux: December 2 to 5
Rennes: December 9 to 12Aix-en-Provence: December 9 to 12Paris MNHN [*]: December 16-19
january to april 2025
Toulouse: January 13 to 16Paris CNAM: January 20-23Dijon: January 20 to 23
Arras: January 27-30Strasbourg: January 27-30Lyon: January 27-30
Paris Sainte-Geneviève [*]: February 3 to 6Paris Sorbonne: March 3 to 6Aix-en-Provence: March 3 to 6
Rennes: March 10-13Bordeaux: March 17-20
Public Cataloguers of deployed institutions that need to use WinIBW software
Objective To master the functionalities of WinIBW for cataloguing in the Sudoc
Prerequisite Know the basics of cataloguing: standards (ISBD, RDA-EN), formats (UNIMARC), RAMEAU indexing
Terms and Conditions Internship in the classroom. Free
ProgramConsult the Program
Duration 3.5 days. The training starts on Monday at 14:00 and ends on Thursday at 16:30
Locations Relay establishments
CalendarConsult the calendar of sessions above
RegistrationsAccess to the registration form

Note: off-site training can be organised according to certain procedures on the site of requesting institutions. Consult the terms and conditions


Coordinator Sudoc

Note: this free training for newly appointed library professionals in the Sudoc network is provided byAbes trainers.

Public SudocNewly Appointed Coordinators
Objective Mastering the Coordinator's missions and tools Sudoc
Prerequisite  Knowing the network Sudocand WinIBW software
Terms and Conditions Internship in the classroom. Free
ProgramConsult the Program
Duration 2.5 days. The training starts on Monday at 14:00 and ends on Wednesday at 16:30
Locations Montpellier: Coming to Abes
(your choice)
Monday, October 14 to Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Monday, November 25 to Wednesday, November 27 , 2024
RegistrationsRegistration opens: Monday, September 2, 2024


ILL Correspondent

Note: this self-training is freely available to library professionals in the Sudoc / Sudoc PS networks who are newly appointed to this position. The free webinars are delivered once a year byAbes trainers.

2023-2024 support webinars calendar

For information on how to register for and follow a webinar, please see the document "How to register for a webinar".

  • Training to accompany the use of the SUPEB module consists of a webinar and a period of self-training using online resources.

Consult the self-training modules

Public Newly Appointed ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Service Staff
Objective Discover the SUPEB module in WinIBW
Know the missions and practices of the EPB Correspondent
Terms and Conditions Live Webinar (One session per year)
Self-study module (Available all year round)
Webinar ProgramConsult the webinar program
Webinar duration02h00
CalendarThursday, October 17, 2024 (2pm-4pm)
RegistrationsRegistration opens two weeks before the session.


Professionals in institutions being deployed in the network Sudoc

Note: this free training course for coordinators and cataloguers of libraries joining the network Sudoc is given by the experts ofAbes and, depending on the circumstances, by the relay trainers Sudoc.

Calendar of Sessions

The training schedule is drawn up in consultation with the establishments in the course of deployment, and then communicated to the agents concerned. Sessions take place from October to February. They combine distance and face-to-face training sessions, organized either in a relay facility (in Paris or the French provinces) or atAbes (Montpellier).

N.B.: no deployment will take place in the Sudoc network during the 2024-2028 period.

Public Coordinators and cataloguers of the institutions joining the network Sudoc
Objective Adopt the professional practices required by the network Sudoc
Prerequisite Know the basics of cataloguing work: standards (ISBD, RDA-EN), formats (UNIMARC), RAMEAU indexing.
Terms and Conditions Webinars / Presential

Preparing for training

Before any classroom training, library professionals are invited to check whether they have the necessary prerequisites for their position. 

If necessary, they are invited to take note of the training offer proposed for this purpose by the network of CRFCBs:

The programme 

Introduction (distance sessions)


  • webinar 1: Presentation of the network Sudoc (1h)
  • webinar 2: WinIBW cataloguing tool (1h30)
  • webinar 3: Professional research in the Sudoc (2h00)
  •  webinar 4: Data structuring Sudoc (1h30)


6 hours


Online. See how to register and access the webinars


A printed version of the training materials is provided

Session for cataloguers


  • Creation and modification of bibliographic, authority and copy records
  •  Creating links between records
  • TP on the processing of specific documents (continuing resources, theses and other media)


2.5 days


Montpellier (Abes)


A printed version of the training materials is provided

Session for Coordinators Sudoc


Cataloguing" part (2.5 days) (see program above)

Coordinator part (2 days) :

  • Role of the Coordinator Sudoc and Correspondents
  • Administration of libraries and professional users
  • Base Sudoc quality and control tools
  • Data Transfer and Management of Regular Transfers
  •  Associated services (SelfSudoc, data processing...)


4.5 days


Montpellier (Abes)


A digital version of the "coordinator" training materials is provided on a USB key during the training.

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