Thematic access

Tools for Libraries
Resources for PhD students
Standardization: templates and formats
Electronics documentation
Reuse data
Library management systems

Shared services: supporting the acquisition and reporting of electronic resources

Space dedicated to scientific publishers

As the bearer of contracts for the purchase/subscription of electronic resources within the framework of national licences or grouped orders on behalf of ESR documentary establishments,Abes is thesole contact for publishers for the contract signature and notification stages.

Here are the documents to be provided at the various stages:

  • at the beginning of the procedure in the case of a negotiated contract: Certificate of exclusivity on plain paper
  • for thesignature of the contract: candidate declaration forms. For more information 
  • for thenotification of the contract: tax and social security certificate. For more information
Furthermore, in order to facilitate the reporting and use of digital resources,Abes invites scientific publishers to :
  • allow the metadata imports associated with the published resources, for a licensed re-use Etalab in the Sudoc and in the triple store
  • to regularly provide the KBart files describing the resources concerned in order to feed the national BACON - national knowledge base. The BACON data, placed under an open licence, are available to commercial tool providers and/or client institutions who can thus integrate them into electronic documentation management and access tools (ERMS, SGB, discovery tools, etc.)
More information: see the BACON fact sheet: facilitating the reporting of electronic resources
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Associated Resources
