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Signalement et valorisation des ressources électroniques (hors travaux universitaires)" training course

Since January 2023,Abes has been offering a new training course on Reporting and promoting electronic resources (excluding academic works), available online.



Electronic resources produced by publishers and aggregators currently occupy a growing place in the collections of libraries and documentation centers. These documentary objects raise specific reporting issues, due to the sheer volume of documents made available, the evolving nature of the collections and the multiplicity of tools for reporting titles and access (national and local catalogs, knowledge bases, discovery tools).

The aim of this training course is to provide a toolbox for all documentation staff involved in the management and/or cataloguing of digital resource collections, through the use of tools made available byAbes : Sudoc and its many services, and the BACON national knowledge base.


For whom?

  • Electronic documentation managers
  • Coordinators Sudoc
  • Cataloguing correspondents
  • Catalogers at Sudoc,
  • Collection managers
  • Any library staff interested in enhancing the value of electronic resources (excluding academic work)


Access to training

All the webinars making up this training course, together with the support materials, exercises and Q&A files, are available on theAbes self-training platform:


Training details


Session 1: Typology of electronic resources and use of the tools of theAbes

Prerequisite No
  • Defining and specifying the electronic resources made available by publishers/aggregators.
  • Overview of Abes tools: which tool for which use?
  • Differences between Sudoc, BACON and Scienceplus; data sources.
  • Focus on valorizing resources acquired under national licenses


Session 2: Unimarc zone specificities of Sudoc for electronic resources


Unimarc concepts


  • Unimarc format fields at Sudoc specific to electronic resources.
  • Electronic resources and the LRM model: application guidelines at Sudoc.
  • Quality control tools for reporting electronic resources on Sudoc.


Session 3: Cataloguing electronic resources in the Sudoc


Knowledge of the Unimarc format and use of WinIBW


Cataloguing ebooks on Sudoc :

  • instructions for unit cataloguing
  • using scripts to transform notices
  • deduplication of ebook records

Cataloguing continuous resources at Sudoc :

  • cataloguing instructions for databases
  • cataloguing instructions for periodicals and electronic collections.

Session 4: Optimizing the reuse of BACON and Sudoc data in local document environments


Minimal knowledge of Excel


Reuse Sudoc data in local document environments:

  • exemplarization in the Sudoc
  •  file comparison tools
  • use webservices from Sudoc and BACON to locate sets of records from the Sudoc
  • exemplarization and mass copying : ITEM
  • focus on the Alma environment's e-book reporting circuit at Sudoc

Reuse data from the BACON knowledge base in local documentation environments:

  • use BACON's public interface
  • identify BACON collections in other environments
  • BACON's own file comparison tools