Resources for PhD students

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The Doctoral Student's Guide

The Guide du Doctorant (Doctoral Student's Guide ) provides a common basis for all doctoral students and professionals in doctoral-accredited establishments to record, deposit, preserve and promote doctoral theses.


Report your thesis in preparation

STEP, the national professional application for reporting theses in preparation, is used by the majority of establishments authorized to award doctorates, to promote doctoral research in progress. The subjects of theses in progress are referenced and distributed via

The STEP application is accessible to doctoral students only if their institution authorizes such access. A certificate of registration for a thesis in preparation is issued to doctoral students either via their STEP account, or via the STEP correspondent at their institution.

For further information, doctoral students are invited to contact the department responsible for reporting theses in preparation, usually the doctoral school or the Service Commun de Documentation.


Regulatory texts

As an official document, the doctoral thesis is governed by a set of official texts.

Texts in force

Texts applicable before 2016

These regulatory texts, cited for the record, were repealed by the order of 25 May 2016 setting the national training framework and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma.

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