The hierarchical organization chart of the Abes
The organisation of theAbes
The Communication Department
Reporting to theAbes management team, the Communications department's mission is to promoteAbes 's projects and achievements to a wide range of target audiences (document network professionals, decision-makers, institutional partners, service providers in the field, etc.).
The Communications department coordinates production of the professional journal Arabesques, organizes the annual conference Les Journées Abes and ensuresAbes 's presence at national and international conferences.
The Communication Department has developedAbes 's presence on professional social networks. It animates and coordinates publications on a range of complementary digital media:
- institutional website
- news blog : Thread Abes
- technical blog : Punktokomo
- library blog : Oubipo
- Twitter account
- Linkedin account for recruitment announcements
- Vimeo account for videos (training, study days, interventions during the Days Abes...)
- Slideshare account
- professional journal Arabesques
Please note: the Communication Department leads the editorial board and coordinates the work of the various actors of the journal (graphic designer, printing, online publication). Since 2019, the online version of Arabesques is available on PRAIRIAL, a portal of open access journals. This project was carried out in collaboration with the University Library of Lyon 3, IR Metopes and INIST.
Since 2019, the Head of Communications has been co-piloting the UX Design approach applied byAbes when developing new applications.
She is a member of the interministerial working group on the visual accessibility of digital libraries in the framework of the General Regulations for the Improvement of Accessibility.
The lab
Attached to the management ofAbes, theAbes Lab is responsible for carrying out prospective studies on the functional, organisational and technical levels and for exploring possible developments in methods, tools, services and technologies.
The Lab's activities are divided into 4 areas:
- Study: needs analysis, state of the art
- Research: experiments, innovations, proof of concepts
- Develop: mock-ups, prototypes
- Communicating: sharing information, presenting studies and experiments
The DALF - Administration Logistics Finance Department
The DALF implements the Human Resources policy and the forward-looking management of jobs and skills (GPEC). He executes the decisions of the authorising officer and the accounting officer and coordinates the purchasing function. He manages the buildings policy and all material and administrative aspects in order to facilitate the work of the agents of theAbes.
The DALF is composed of 3 departments:
Secretariat and Logistics
- physical and telephone greeting
- mail management
- management secretariat
- logistical follow-up of the Board of Directors and Scientific Councils, various seminars, the Journées Abes
- administrative management of missions
- management of absences and staff working time
- management of administrative supplies
- building maintenance monitoring
Human Resources, Continuing Education, Watch, DocumentationProfessional
- organization and maintenance of administrative and career records of personnel
- Financial records management and payroll pre-payment management
- collective operations organization
- GPEEC - forward-looking management of jobs, workforce and skills
- participation in staff recruitment
- organization of the reception of new staff
- implementation of working arrangements
- preparation and implementation of the continuing education plan
- information and support for staff in the areas of career advice, professional promotion, training and social action
- implementation of health and safety rules
- dissemination of regulatory watch
- management of the professional documentation centre
- monitoring memberships in professional associations
- monitors the fields of "librarianship" and "documentary informatics".
- implementation of the archiving plan and physical organization of the archive rooms
Finance, Purchasing, Legal
- implementation of the institution's budgetary and financial strategy
- management dialogue facilitation
- preparation of the initial budget, amending budgets and authorising officer's management notes
- monitoring of budget implementation and (re)programming, calculation of financial indicators
- management and control of expenditure operations: commitment, certification of the service provided and payment of expenditure
- management and control of revenue operations: issuing revenue orders, lettering and collection
- management of third parties: service provider companies, public user establishments, partner organisations
- cash planning and monitoring
- monitoring of fixed assets and depreciation and amortization
- awarding, legal and financial monitoring of the implementation of public contracts
- financial and legal management of order groups
- implementation of internal accounting and budgetary control procedures
- implementation of the institution's purchasing policy
- implementation of the dematerialization policy (public contracts, invoices, etc.)
- preparation and dissemination of financial feedback (management reports, national surveys, etc.)
The DMSR - Metadata and Network Services Department
The DMSR implements services that meet the needs of document networks and institutions that use the professional applications managed by the Agency. In dialogue with the other departments, it defines the functionalities, access methods and services offered and develops them over time.
The DMSR consists of 7 departments.
Network Support Service
The Network Support Department coordinates relations with the member institutions of the networks managed byAbes.
- monitoring of deployments, conventions and network activity
- communication: drafting of the monthly newsletter "l'Actu des Réseaux", management of mailing lists for correspondents, organisation of professional information days
- coordination of assistance via the ABESstp desk
- pedagogical engineering: design of on-site and distance learning offer
- coordination of the bridging training scheme in collaboration with a team of trainers from the network institutions
- production and distribution of documentation associated with professional and public interfaces and services
Authorities and References Service
The Authorities and Repositories service manages all the authority data and repositories used and/or produced by the members of theAbes networks, as well as the applications that use them.
- analysis, contribution to the development and implementation of recommendations, schemes, formats and models for the description of authority data
- support for users and producers of data from authorities and repositories
- implementation of services and support for professionals (documentation, training, quality control, alignments...)
- ensures the consistency of data within Abes
- promotion of the use of authorities and benchmarks, within and beyond the networks of Abes
Service Documentation Electronic
The Documentation service ensures the proper cohesion of the applications managed byAbes and provides the corresponding control tools.
- coordination of the documentary aspect of the acquisition of electronic resources for the ESR: national licences (all purchasing models), grouped orders led by theAbes, support plan for scientific publishing
- coordination of the use of electronic resources acquired byAbes or by other members of the ESR or validated open access resources
- coordination of the reporting of the resources concerned in the tools Abes (BACON, Calames, Sudoc, SciencePlus...) and internal (useful for processing and enrichment workflows: internal worme database...)
- communication with beneficiaries, all media
- monitoring the evolution of access protocols, scientific publication models and their impact on reporting (including the issue of research data), reporting formats and tools, the opening up of metadata and their potential reuse
- coordination of the analysis of the needs of ESR institutions regarding the reporting of electronic resources
- state of play on the current reuse of metadata in all tools (catalogues, central indexes of discovery tools, link resolvers...)
- prospective on possible developments, based on feedback from institutions
Services Tools and Methods
The Tools and Methods department ensures the proper cohesion of the applications managed byAbes and provides the corresponding management tools.
- coordination, definition and application of data import procedures (data imports for new members, data imports from content producers)
- mass processing of data produced within the networks
- maintenance and evolution of devices for the exposure of data to users and machines
- coordination of steering tools (Webstats)
Monographs and Archives Service
The Monographs and Archives Department is responsible for activities related to the production of bibliographic and archival data. It assists institutions in the reporting of these resources, works on the development of data and their production in applications, interfaces and services (Sudoc, Calames, BACON...).
- participation in the Bibliographic Transition (evolution of data and formats, exposure...) and reflections on the evolution of new models of data description
- training and assistance to reporting network institutions
- production and dissemination of professional documentation associated with bibliographic and archival data (Methodological Guide)
- implementation of data exchanges (regular transfers, exports, etc.) and mass processing
- data quality assessment and applications using bibliographic and archival data
Continuous Resources Department
The Continuing Resources Service assists institutions with the reporting of serials and other continuing resources and related copies, including developments in data and formats.
- animation of the network of the Regional Centres of the Sudoc-PS: monitoring of users and training of RC managers
- management of COLODUS, CIDEMIS, Périscope and other generic tools to facilitate the management of ongoing resources
- participation in the coordination of the shared conservation plans of the periodicals in close relation with the other partners involved
- processing of periodical metadata within the BACON application
- coordination between the network and ISSN France and ISSN International; follow-up of ISSN numbering and correction requests with ISSN France and International centres
Thesis Department
The Theses Department assists higher education institutions with activities related to the reporting, archiving and dissemination of theses produced in France.
- monitoring, animation, information and training of the network of institutions authorized to deliver the doctorate
- management of the STEP and STAR applications, of the search engine, as well as data import and export tools related to these applications
- assistance to users (library and university professionals, teacher-researchers, PhD students) in coordination with the members of the network
- data quality control and coordination of correction worksites
- Adaptation of reporting applications and practices to user needs, legislative constraints and bibliographic developments.
- close articulation of these missions with those of the operational partners: CINES, CCSD, ADUM, etc...
The DSIN - Department of Information Systems and the Digital World
The DSIN guides and implements the strategic decisions ofAbes in order to have the best IT infrastructure available to the Agency and its networks. To this end, it draws up, develops, pilots and implements, in dialogue with the departments, the technical and organisational resources needed to ensure the proper functioning of the institution's information system. He/she ensures that its security, reliability, integrity and coherence are maintained, while developing it technically and functionally.
DSIN is composed of 4 departments:
Design and Development Department
The missions of this service are oriented towards business applications.
- participate with the functional teams in the scoping, definition and design of applications and services
- carry out and integrate the necessary developments in accordance with the development policy defined and maintained by the department. Projects are carried out using the Scrum method and new developments are published in open source
- monitoring, maintenance and administration of theAbes
- support external and internal users through training and assistance
Infrastructures and Networks Department
- Participate with project teams in the scoping, definition, selection, implementation and evolution of technical architectures using a DevOps approach
- defining, implementing, maintaining in operational condition and upgrading IT infrastructures (networks, servers, systems, software)
- Maintain all the business services provided by the agency in operational condition and provide local assistance, in particular in the context of daily stand-by duty
Internal Management Support Service
The tasks of this department are office automation and application support oriented.
- to ensure the implementation, administration, support and evolution of allAbes
- organising change management and training for Agency staff when new services are introduced
- managing the implementation of the DSIN budget, the purchase of hardware, software and IT services
- managing the Agency's professional and staff documentation
- to manage the UX Design approach applied byAbes during the development of new applications in conjunction with the Communications department and the project teams
- manage the office equipment in accordance with the predefined technical guidelines
- manage meeting and training rooms
- providing local assistance with office automation, telephony, videoconferencing and software installation
- Coordinate, in conjunction with the Agency's Internal Training Department, the training and participation in conferences of DSIN members
IT Planning and Steering Department
- ensuring the urbanisation of the information system (IS): advisory role in the definition and technical prioritisation, in order to guarantee coherence, weak coupling and factorisation of the IS bricks
- ensure the creation and updating of the different levels of mapping, in order to document the IS and allow impact analyses
- contribute to the opening of the IS to user networks: communication on open bricks (source code on Git Hub and available APIs) and on developments made by the community
- to assist in the IT management ofAbes by implementing the Scrum agile project management method: raising the awareness of project teams and leading the community of practice.
SGBm Project - Shared Library Management System
The national project "mLMS - Shared Library Management System" - and more broadly the support of institutions in the choice and acquisition of their management system (LMS) - is led by a project manager.
- within the framework of the mBMS project: coordination of the pilot institutions, coordination of the drafting of the contract documents, implementation of the operations related to the competitive dialogue, accompaniment of the institutions until the exploitation phase of the chosen mBMS
- in thecontext of BMS support: information sharing, legal, methodological and technical support during a re-information process; dialogue with software publishers to ensure the compatibility of products with Sudoc ; management of technical projects for data exchange between information systems; dialogue with user associations and consultants to define the expected characteristics and compliance of software
Data Protection Officer (DPO), Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO)
The DPO and the ISSR have a cross-cutting role in all of the agency's activities.
- Data Protection Officer (D PO): ensures compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the security of personal data. Raising staff awareness, defining organisational and technical procedures, controlling applications and monitoring the processing of requests relating to the exercise of people's right of access/rectification/opposition
- Information Systems Security Manager (ISS M): implementation of IT security recommendations and best practices, in conjunction with ANSSI, DINSIC and HFDS, in order to protect theAbes information system and ensure its resilience in the event of an attack or major breakdown