Logos & Graphic Resources

The logos below are downloadable in two formats:

  • png (portable network graphic), this format is commonly used on the web for logos and graphic elements. This type of document can be modified using open source software such as Gimp to be converted to .jpg or other formats as required.
  • svg (scalable vector graphic), this vector format can be used both on the web and for print production, as its format allows resizing without loss of quality. These logos can be modified using open source software such as Inkscape and then exported in a wide variety of formats

For any request concerning a logo or graphic element that is not available on this page, please contact us via the ABESstp


Software library

Logo Abes svg

Web format

Vector format

Logo Abes svg

Web format

Vector format

Icon Sudoc

Web format

Vector format

Logo Sudoc

Web format

Vector format

Icon Sudoc PS

Web format

Vector format

SudocQuality logo I LRM corrections png

Web format

Vector format

Icon Cidemis

Web format

Vector format

Logo Cidemis

Web format

Vector format

Icon Colodus

Web format

Vector format

Logo Colodus

Web format

Vector format

Item icon

Web format

Vector format

Logo item

Web format

Vector format

Periscope icon

Web format

Vector format

Logo Périscope

Web format

Vector format

QualiMarc blue icon png format

Web format

Vector format

QualiMarc logo blue background png format

Web format

Vector format

QualiMarc white icon png format

Web format

Vector format

QualiMarc logo png format

Web format

Vector format

Web format

Vector format

WinIBW icon in png format

Web format

Vector format

WinIBW logo in png format

Web format

Vector format

Web format

Vector format

Logo IdRef

Web format

Vector format

Web format

Vector format

Icon data.idref.fr

Web format

Vector format

Logo data.idref.fr

Web format

Vector format

Icon Paprika

Web format

Vector format

Logo Paprika

Web format

Vector format

Theses icon

Web format

Vector format

Theses.fr logo

Web format

Vector format

Visual theses.fr EN

Web format

Vector format

Visual theses.fr square FR

Web format

Vector format

Icon Star

Web format

Vector format

Logo Star

Web format

Vector format

Icon Step

Web format

Vector format

Logo Step

Web format

Vector format

Icon Calames

Web format

Vector format

Web format

Vector format

Calameslogo Chantier Qualité png

Web format

Vector format

National Licensing Icon

Web format

Vector format

National Licensing Logo

Web format

Vector format

Web format

Vector format

BACON logo svg

Web format

Vector format

BACON, logo Quality Site png

Web format

Vector format

Electronic documentation icon in png format

Web format

Vector format

Electronic documentation icon with text in png format

Web format

Vector format

scienceplus.abes.fr icon

Web format

Vector format

Logo scienceplus.abes.fr

Web format

Vector format

EAD icon in library

Web format

Vector format

EAD logo in library

Web format

Vector format

Icon RDA-EN Beta version

Web format

Vector format

Logo RDA-FR Beta version

Web format

Vector format

Icon Webstats

Web format

Vector format

Logo Webstats

Web format

Vector format

Bibliographic transition icon

Web format

Vector format

Logo bibliographic transition

Web format

Vector format

ORCID France Icon

Web format

Vector format

Orcid France logo

Web format

Vector format

Icons Sudoc

Logo Creative commons licenseThe "publication type" icons on Sudoc are available under the Creative Commons.

To retrieve the icons: 

  • download the complete file icons-psi.zip
  • right click on the desired icon and then "Save image as".