Sudoc - Système Universitaire de Documentation - is the national system for shared cataloguing of documentaryresources available to all university and research libraries.
The shared cataloguing network Sudoc
The Sudoc network is made up of 159 documentation establishments - as "administrative structures signatories to a participation agreement" - representing around 1,500 university and/or research libraries .(data as of January 02, 2022)
The member libraries of the Sudoc network have at their disposal a range of professional services administered/developed byAbes for the mutualised production and administration of Higher Education and Research bibliographic data.
The network Sudoc benefits from the IT infrastructure ofAbes and CINES, which guarantees the conditions of reliability, security and interoperability for a free reuse of library data.
The Sudoc in WorldCat
As part of the contract negotiated byAbes with OCLC, Sudoc member institutions have the option of joining WorldCat in order to benefit from WorldCat API and discovery services for their collections in WorldCat.
In 2022, 93 network member institutions Sudoc These additional services are provided at a rate based on the number of monographs reported. annual fee calculated on the basis of the number of monographs reported.
- see: Membership conditions.
Launched in 1992 at the initiative of the sub-directorate of libraries of the Ministry of Higher Education, the computer master plan for the university library network entered its operational implementation phase at the end of 1995. TheAbes was entrusted with the project management of this national project.
Following the call for tenders for a new system, the Central Bibliographic System (CBS), proposed by the Dutch company Pica, was selected to form the basis of the University System of Documentation (Sudoc), which opened in April 2000.
Since 2008, following the takeover of the Pica company, OCLC has been responsible for the maintenance and functional upgrades of CBS and WinIBW within the framework of agreements and technical collaborations.
In 2022, the CBS is still the heart of Sudoc and the WinIBW cataloguing tool is the daily working interface for teams of cataloguers producing data Sudoc.