The PhD thesis reporting network

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Un système d'information national

As the national operator for the reporting of doctoral theses,Abes provides all ESR establishments authorised to award doctorates with a national information system to support the production of descriptive metadata for doctoral theses at all stages of their production: from the submission of a thesis subject by the doctoral student to the submission of the official version of the "thesis" document, as validated by the jury.

This information system comprises a range of production tools and modules, interconnected with the local information systems of the institutions as well as with the Sudoc, as a national database of descriptive records of defended doctoral theses.

Production of metadata

  • STEP: reporting of thesis topics in preparation.
  • STAR: reporting and archiving of defended and submitted theses in electronic format
  • IdRef referencing and permanent identification of thesis authors as well as research supervisors, jury members and related organisations

Literature search

  • documentary research on doctoral theses - defended and in preparation
  • Sudoc documentary research on all defended theses, including practising theses

File: The thesis in all its states
Submit, report, enhance


Thesis reporting: a national mission

Within the framework of the national mission of reporting doctoral theses entrusted to theAbes, the Sudoc, from its inception, constitutes the national database of theses.

Following on from theOrder of August 7, 2006, which made it possible to deposit and archive doctoral theses in electronic format, thedecree of May 25, 2016 - updated by the order of August 26, 2022 - recognizes the regulatory nature of this practice: establishments authorized to award doctorates are thereforelegally obliged to use the national STAR application to report and archive theses defended under their responsibility.

Note: the reporting of theses in preparation, allowed by the STEP application, remains optional.

The thesis reporting system is based on a network of correspondents identified in each institution authorised to award a doctorate. Within ESR institutions, doctoral schools are responsible for organising all aspects of doctoral training and applying the provisions of the Order of 25 May 2016. 

Partnerships and collaborations

In a conventional or operational way, itAbes works in close collaboration with many actors of Scientific and Technical Information involved in the reporting circuit of doctoral theses.

National operators

Interoperability between the STAR / STEP production environments and the workflow for reporting theses set up by ADUM

Interoperability between STAR/STEP and APOGEE production environments, enrolment management IS implemented by WUAA

Interconnection with the HAL theses open archive, a platform for the deposit and publication of online theses

Archiving and Preservation Platform - PAC - for the permanent archiving of digital copies of defended theses

Interoperability between the STAR / STEP production environments and the enrolment management IS

International cooperation

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine for open access electronic resources

Reporting of theses defended in Europe

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: international electronic thesis reporting