Partnerships and cooperation

L'Abes, a partner in structuring projects for university and research documentation

Open data for open science

Within the framework of the Committee for Open Science (CoSO) and the national plans for open science(1st plan 2018-2021 and 2nd plan 2021-2024),Abes has strengthened its policy in favour of openness and interoperability of the data and systems it administers. Within CoSO,Abes is a member of the Europe and International College.

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This national strategy is reflected in particular in the proactive action taken byAbes to promote theopenness, quality and interoperability of identifiers and authority data , as evidenced by the widespread reuse of the identifier IdRef.

It is also with this objective in mind thatAbes, in collaboration with the Couperin consortium, has been coordinating the ORCID France consortium for enhanced visibility of researchers' identifiers on an international scale.


Since 2010,Abes 's commitment to the dissemination of open and interoperable data and identifiers has been reflected in the creation and wide reuse of the IdRef identifier by higher education and research information systems and databases.

Since 2012, the vast majority of metadata produced by the member institutions of the networks administered byAbes are under the Etalab / Open Licence, which guarantees their dissemination and free reuse. Consult the conditions of use according to the type of data.

Building the national digital library

Working closely with the negotiators of the Couperin consortium,Abes has been mandated by the MESR to set up group ordersand to sign and execute contracts for the acquisition of electronic resources from leading scientific publishers.
Abes was one of the founding members ofISTEXfrom the outset of the project in 2012. It sits on the Steering Committee ISTEX.

Since 2019, financial support for the acquisition of nationally licensed electronic resources has been provided under the Plan de soutien aux éditeurs (MESR) and the Acquisitions component of GIS CollEx-Persée (see below).


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Accompanying the bibliographic transition

Led jointly byAbes and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), the National Bibliographic Transition Programme is part of an international dynamic of transformation of bibliographic information models.

BnF logo Access to the BnF

As part of this program, three national working groups (Training; Standardization; Systems and Data) are producing the new bibliographic description standards resulting from these models. The program fully involves professional associations and training organizations.

As a national bibliographic agency, the NABAbes participates actively in the main bibliographic standardization bodies:

  • French UNIMARC Committee (CFU): the Standards Officer ofAbes is in charge of the steering
  • Permanent Unimarc Committee (PUC), a committee under the aegis ofIFLA: the Standards Officer ofAbes sits on the PUC where she represents the demands of the CFU
  • EURIG - European RDA interest group Working Group on Aggregates: Abes and BnF, as co-pilot of the Bibliographic Transition programme, represents French expectations and specificities

In addition, within the framework of AFNOR,Abes is a member of several working groups within the National Commission 46 - Information and Documentation, which mirrorsISO/TC 46, the commission responsible for these missions at international level.

Serving Collections of Excellence with Collex-Persée

As a national operator at the service of ESR libraries,Abes is part of the Council of Members of the GIS Collex-Persée, which "encourages and financially supports collaborative approaches to digitisation, metadata enrichment and/or the development of other types of services on corpora of documents and data of various kinds".

CollEx-Perforated Logo Go to CollEx-Persée

Within the framework of its missions, itAbes is involved in several capacities in different Working Groups (WG) coordinated by the GIS Collex-Persée :

  •  Acquisitions" WG:Abes is in charge, with its partners, of negotiations and purchases under national licence of specialised electronic resources, for the use of research communities, in addition to the offer already available within the documentation structures
  • WG "Cartography": co-piloted by BnFAbes and BnF
  • Shared Conservation Plans WG
  • WG "Provision of remote documentation".
  • WG on Perennial Digital Archiving

In addition, within the framework of the Calls for Projects regularly launched by Collex-Persée to the ESR library community, Collex-PerséeAbes is a partner in many projects led by institutions, particularly projects relating to the alignment of identifiers or involving the enrichment of authority data.

L'Abes, partner of the main actors of scientific and technical information

The missions carried out by the ISTAbes are carried out within the framework of partnerships and operational cooperation with the main actors in the field of STI and documentation:

Cooperation within the framework of the SGBm agreement and the registration of doctoral theses to enable interoperability between the STAR / STEP and APOGÉE production environments and the registration management system set up by the AMUE


Data exchange and sharing; co-piloting of the Bibliographic Transition program

Data exchange between Calames and the CERL portal; membership of the HPB - Heritage Print Booksdatabase

Cooperation in the framework of the valorisation and reporting of defended PhD theses (and other versions of the thesis) deposited on the HAL theses platform, an open archive for the deposit of theses implemented by the CCSD. For more information

Hosting of all the servers and databases administered byAbes ; permanent archiving of digital copies of doctoral theses. For more information

Co-operation in the framework of grouping orders for electronic resources, the acquisition of national licences and the ORCID France consortium


Cooperation in the framework of the continuing education of library staff; consultation and exchange on training programmes according to the developments required by the Correspondents' missions Sudoc

Cooperation on the management of thematic shared conservation plans for periodicals (PCPP) in the Ile de France region

Provision byAbes of descriptive metadata of doctoral theses for their international valorisation. For more information

Cooperation in the framework of vocational training (hosting of trainees and project teams; regular interventions of experts from the Abes

Conventional framework agreement to facilitate the concerted management of shared conservation plans for periodicals (PCPP) at regional level (outside Paris and Ile de France).

Cooperation in the framework of the electronic resources acquisition programmes ISTEX and CollEx-Persée, data processing / reporting and feeding the platforms ISTEX and PANIST; operational partnership in the retrospective processing of the journal Arabesques, in its digital version on the Prairial portal

Provision of specialist medical authority notices (FMeSH notices)

Cooperation in the framework of the " Arabesques online on Prairial"which uses the editorial channel developed by Métopes

Close cooperation in the reporting and identification of serial publications. Provision and enrichment of data from the ISSN Register. Shared use of the professional application CIDEMIS - dematerialised circuit of ISSN requests, developed byAbes in close cooperation with CIEPS and ISSN France. To find out more about the application

Scientific cooperation in the framework of the ANR research project "Qualinca", an artificial intelligence service at the basis of the data quality anddata linking system. For more information

Operational partnership for the valorisation of descriptive data of open access serials (mutual enrichment of data; identifiers and links to facilitate bounces)

Sudoc is based on the Central Bibliographic System (CBS) and its software suite, distributed by OCLC. As a CBS partner,Abes participates in the international user group dedicated to the exchange of information and technical guidelines. Establishments belonging to the Sudoc network wishing to benefit from Worldcat localization services and APIs have the option ofjoin OCLC.


Lyon Saint-Étienne publishing hub designed to distribute and support open-access scientific journals. Arabesques magazine published online

In 2020, the French-speaking network of documentation signed a partnership withAbes to supplyIdRef with data relating to French-speaking Switzerland and to develop its use in Swiss libraries

Exchange of information and good practices

InvolvementAbes in professional associations


The Association of ESR Library Directors representsAbes the interests of the ESR's documentary institutions, particularly in the work of the SSI Commission - Reporting and Information Systems.


Association of French Librarians

Association of Documentalists and Specialized Librarians 

Higher Education and Research Informatics Services Committee

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

Abes takes part in the annual congress of the European League of Research Libraries (LIBER).