The 2018-2022 facility project was validated at the Board of Directors meeting on October 25, 2018. This strategic project carries the ambition of overhaulingAbes's main reporting tools. It is accompanied by a Five-Year Contract 2018-2022 between the MESR andAbes validated at the Board of Directors meeting on November 5, 2018.
This project has been developed in an iterative way using different channels:
- capitalising on the collective expertise of theAbes teams, built up over years of practice in contact with users and French and foreign partners, in particular during a seminar conducted as an open forum (September 2017), then during several working meetings held in 2018
- taking into account the recommendations resulting from the evaluation and analysis of the existing situation:
- Hcéres evaluation report (March 2018), the first steps of which were the self-evaluation conducted by theAbes
- Report of the General Inspectorate of Libraries (January 2018)
- consultation withAbes 's main stakeholders: MESR, Board of Directors, Scientific Council, ADBU - SSI commission representing users
- the consultation of users and partners of the Abes (May 2018), conducted via a dedicated wiki