ORCID Correspondents

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Role and missions

TheORCID Correspondent is the contact person for Couperin andAbes for all matters concerning the institution's activity within the ORCID France Consortium. He/she contributes to the steering of the institution's policy on identifiers. He/she is in charge of the ORCID data of his/her institution. He/she is informed about the evolution of the ORCID registry.

The role of the ORCID Correspondent is formalised in a function sheet which provides the managers of the institutions with the useful elements for integrating this function into the functional organisation charts and job descriptions of the staff concerned.


Training and communication

ORCID Correspondents have access to useful documentation on the ORCID France website and on the orcid.org website. ORCID held a webinar for them in July 2020: see the recording and the slide show.

Several communication channels are available to strengthen professional exchanges: