Available Data Formats

In accordance with the open data policy pursued byAbes since 2012, the metadata produced by the alert networks managed byAbes are subject to the Open Licence of the State drawn up by the Etalab mission. The retrieval and reuse of the data is free of charge, provided that the date of retrieval and the source are indicated. The "conditions of use" are detailed for each data set.

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Terms and conditions of use

In order to comply with the requirements of the Etalab Open License, it is necessary to maintain :

  • for UNIMARC ISO 2709 and UNIMARC-XML files
    • contents of fields 801$b and 801$c
  • for XML and RDF files: header elements :
    • dcterms:creator: " http://www.idref.fr/033702462/id ": authority IdRef notice identifying the Abes
    • dcterms:created : provides the date of creation of the record
    • dcterms:modified: provides the date of modification of the record

All authority records IdRef are covered by the formats presented below, with the exception of RCR records.


Data IdRef - MARC formats

Authority IdRef records are available in the following MARC formats:

clarification: with one exception, XML records conform to the authority-specific UNIMARC format

Methods of recovery

  • the regular transfers to the BMSs of the member institutions of the Sudoc and Sudoc PS networks.

precision: these are only authority records linked to bibliographic records located in the institution concerned

  • the exports on demand reserved for member institutions of the Sudoc and Sudoc PS networks.

clarification: some exports are priced and subject to agreement by theAbes


Data IdRef - Dublin Core format

Authority IdRef records are available in Dublin Core format.

Methods of recovery  


Data IdRef - RDF format

The authority records IdRef in RDF agglomerate the information contained in each authority record as well as certain elements of the bibliographic records of the documents to which they are linked (as author, illustrator, subject...). It is therefore a concatenation authority data and bibliographic data Sudoc. The RDF data are :

  • updated: synchronised with the production environment, they are transformed on the fly and uploaded in real time to data.idref.fr
  • complete: most UNIMARC fields and subfields of authority records are converted to RDF.

Formore information on the data model and the list of vocabularies used: see the documentation

Methods of recovery

  • by unit and on the fly, based on the record's IdRef identifier (PPN), via a content negotiation mechanism
  • via the triple blind data.idref.fr

The data ecosystem IdRef

View the presentation: What has become of our data? Data beyond theAbes information system (Journées Abes 2022)