The network of producers and users of authority data

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An authority data production network

180 documentation establishments contribute to the production of authority data for the higher education and research community. Once identified and authenticated, professional users have access to the WinIBW cataloging interface and/or theIdRef cataloging interface. These are mainly :

A network of advanced users and partners

As an open database exposed under a free license, not all users of IdRef data are known toAbes. However, some users become partners ofIdRef: without producing data in IdRef, they make systematic use of it, usually to identify people and/or link them to their own data. In order to carry out these identification tasks,Abes regularly provides alignments of identifiers, as for example at :

In addition, some partner institutions are implementing mechanisms to integrateIdRef into their own cataloguing environment in order to link their data to IdRef in the process. Among the tools interconnected with IdRef are the following:

  • Didόmena, EHESS research data warehouse via the Vivo software brick
  • OpenThéso, a multilingual and multi-hierarchical thesaurus manager used by FRANTIQ
  • the Metopes (Methods and Tools for Structured Publishing) research infrastructure
  • les plateformes développées par Mathdoc : NUMDAM la bibliothèque numérique française de mathématiques et le centre Mersenne, plateforme d’édition en libre accès pour publications scientifiques

The ORCID France consortium

Since November 2019, theAbes, in relation with Couperin, coordinates the ORCID France consortium.

By encouraging documentation professionals to promote the international identifier ORCID to researchers and doctoral students in their institutions, the aim is to increase their international visibility as contributors and authors of scientific publications.

En 2025, 52 établissements participent au consortium ORCID France.

Please note: following algorithmic processing, ORCID identifiers are aligned with the IdRef identifier, as well as with the main identifiers used in the ESR documentary ecosystem. The result of this processing is visible on Example: https: //

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