Self-training: producing authority data
Benchmarks | Information |
Audience: | Cataloguers |
Objective: | Produce authority data in applications IdRef or WinIBW |
Terms and Conditions : | Self-training |
Access the tutorials
- Prise en main du mode « édition » de l’application IdRef (pour tous catalogueurs)
- Deriving People authorities from VIAF - "J.e-courses" session (September 28, 2023)
Access the manuals
Please note: newly appointed Sudoc cataloguers are invited to register for the training provided by the team of relay trainers. This training includes a sequence dedicated to the production of authority records. To find out more about this course
Self-training: quality control of authorities and links
Benchmarks | Information |
Audience: | Cataloguers, Correspondents Authorities, Cataloguing Correspondents |
Objective: | Discover the tools and interfaces for data curation |
Terms and Conditions : | Self-training |
Access the tutorials
- PaprikaFour "J.e-courses " sessions (February 2019 - May 2024)
- AlgoLinks: detecting the absence of links in the link areas of Sudoc - "J.e-course" sessions (1 December 2016 and 2 March 2017)
- AlgoDoublons: authority duplication detection service - "J.e-courses" session (14 September 2017)
Access the manuals
- Check and correct the "natural person" links with Paprika
- Locate missing 6XX and 7XX links with AlgoLinks
- Locating authority duplicates with AlgoDoublons
- Correspondents Authorities: duplicating authorities
Self-training: discovering international identifiers
Benchmarks | Information |
Audience: | Cataloguers, Correspondents Authorities, ORCID Correspondents |
Objective: | Discover the international identifiers: ORCID, VIAF, ISNI |
Terms and Conditions : | Self-training |
Access the tutorials
- The identifier ecosystem: jungle or French garden? - Presentation to the Journées Abes 2024
- ORCID presentation to the ORCID France Consortium Correspondents - webinar (7 September 2020)
- Panorama of authorities and identifiers "persons & structures" - session "J.e-cours" (5 April 2018)
- Usages et pertinence des identifiants VIAF et ISNI pour les autorités IdRef – session parallèle des Journées Abes 2021 (12 octobre 2021)