Sharing services: facilitating the reporting of electronic resources
BACON - National Knowledge Base
BACON - National Knowledge Base is a reference metadata repository under a CC0 license , whose purpose is to optimize the description of electronic resources in order to facilitate access and to promote the sharing of metadata between scientific communication stakeholders, in particular libraries and publishers.
More information: see the BACON fact sheet: facilitating the reporting of electronic resources
In terms of functionality, BACON collects, corrects, enriches and then disseminates the metadata of the electronic resources available in the institutions in the form of KBart files at their free disposal.
For several years,Abes has been making scientific publishers aware of the advantages of upstream collaboration in order to guarantee the quality of the metadata associated with the resources making up their editorial offer. This support can lead to awarding a BACON label which certifies the quality of the exposed metadata.
Publishers and distributors are invited to provideAbes with descriptive metadata files for the electronic resources offered, divided into as many files as the packages concerned.
"BACON provides descriptive metadata for 1,061 electronic resource packages, including 230 packages that have been awarded a label for the quality of the metadata displayed. (data as of 13/10/2023)"
Please note: as a format dedicated to the reporting and management of access to electronic resources, KBart data is necessarily less rich than records Sudoc.
Learn more
Knowledge bases are metadata repositories associated with a link resolver mechanism. A distinction is made between commercial knowledge bases and free knowledge bases (KB+, BACON, etc.), which are intended to improve the quality of metadata and extend the scope to include absent resources.
Reuse BACON data
Terms and conditions of use
Presented under CC0 license, BACON metadata are freely reusable without specifying their origin.
Available format
- KBart (Knowledge Bases and Related Tools )
Developed in 2010, the KBart recommendation recommends a specific metadata format to facilitate the management of access to electronic resources. Initially designed for the description of periodicals, a second version (2014) extends the recommendation to e-books.
More information: see the KBart recommendation (French translation)
Methods of recovery
- from the BACON website / Export data / Download KBart files
- using one of the available BACON web services.
more information : see the documentation
Examples of reuse
- library service providers: feeding knowledge bases (commercial or open source)
- documentary establishments: feeding discovery tools / tools for accessing electronic documentation; assistance with acquisition policy; comparison of access methods between different titles...
Quality system CERCLES-BACON
Based on the same principle as the CERCLES quality scheme Sudoc, the CERCLES BACON scheme aims to support institutions participating in quality projects dedicated to certain bodies of electronic resources.
In the logic of the BACON labelling policy, the participation of publishers in improving the quality of the metadata provided is a sine qua non condition. Thus, within the framework of the CERCLES BACON system, the evaluator does not correct the data directly but produces an error report which is sent to the publisher concerned so that it can make the necessary corrections to the file. In this way, the quality of the data is improved at the source and benefits the entire chain.
more information: presentation of the system on the blog Punktokomo
Corpus of BASKETS
Corpus treated |
Establishment |
State of the site |
SCD University Poitiers |
ongoing |
SCD of the University of Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne (UPEC) |
ongoing |
SCD University of Montpellier |
ongoing |