May 23rd and 24th at the Corum - Palais des Congrès de Montpellier
May 23rd
May 24th
Intervention materials
For wider distribution, the presentations are available on the Zenodo platform of the Abes
May 23rd
- Opening lecture: From Bibsys to SIKT, Norway's agency for shared services in education and research : Frode Arntsen, SIKT agency
- Round table: What changes have similar structures toAbes in other countries implemented to meet changing documentation needs? Moderated by Émilie Barthet, Director, Documentation , University of Burgundy, co-coordinator of the Bureau Couperin, with Lluis Anglada, Catalan Academic Library Consortium, Frode Arntsen, SIKT agency and Miguel Moreira, RERO+ network
Watch the video - Quality" course: QualiMarc, a tool for analyzing the quality of Sudoc bibliographic records, Aurélie Faivre, Laurent Piquemal, Samuel Quetin, Abes
- Quality" course: 4 years on! Exploring quality control of links between bibliographic records Sudoc and authority records IdRef, Myriam Cordaro, Carole Melzac, Abes and Clément Siberchicot, Direction des Ressources et de l'Information Scientifique, SciencesPo Paris
- What's new" course: Redesign of freeing (a little) restricted-access doctoral theses, Maïté Roux, Abes
- New releases" course: Decluttering! Or how Periscope helps with the material and documentary management of periodical collections, Julie Mistral, Abes and Stéphanie Ballet, CR Auvergne
- Authorities and reference systems" course: FAIR instructions for use: advice, François Mistral, Abes, Francesco Beretta, CNRS, Vincent Alamercery, ENS Lyon and Stephen Hart, LOD4HSS
- Authorities and repositories" course: Putting IdRef into your IS: finding your way aroundAbes, François Mistral, Abes, Jean-Baptiste de Vathaire, and Joachim Dornbusch, Université Paris 1
- Foresight" course: From artificial intelligence to the service of our data, Yann Nicolas, Abes
Prospective" course: Bibliographic transition: what practical implications for ESR catalogs? Héloïse Lecomte, Laure Jestaz, Abes, Maurits van Der Graaf, Pleiade Management
May 24th
- Plenary: Challenges and news in standardization, Frédérique Joannic Seta, Chair of Commission 46, AFNOR and Grégory Miura, Chair of TC 46, ISO
- News fromAbes: part 1 - parts 2 and 3, Loïc Barel, Delphine Bleesz, Marianne Giloux, Elodie Molieres and Sonia Salami, Abes
- Plenary :
Focus on the 2024-2028 school project, Nicolas Morin, Marianne Giloux, Stéphane Gully, Abes
Network posters" competition
The best poster award went to Tp1: un chantier titanesque by Stéphanie Arneau and Daphnée Frafer, Université Paris Cité.
In second and third place :
- A visual artist at the BU by Constantin Moll, SCD de l'Université de Limoges
- Mir@bel: our data displayed in your home by Sophie Fotiadi, Mir@bel network
Graphic translation of interventions
Directed by Solenn Bihan,
All illustrations are licensed under Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC) and freely reusable.
Carte blanche to Couperin
Open access digital law textbook project: Introduction to legal studies.