Days Abes 2024

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May 28th and 29th at the Corum - Palais des Congrès de Montpellier

Poster Journées Abes 2024


In partnership with Archimag

In this special year, the Abes 2024 program echoes the Agency's 30th anniversary and the launch of its 2024-2028 Projet d'établissement.


The videos will soon be available online


May 28

May 29

Intervention materials

For wider distribution, the presentations are available on the Zenodo platform of the Abes

May 28

May 29

  • Data quality and efficient workflows: open science ushers in a new era for academic libraries, Guillaume Warnan, Elsevier
  • JabesCamp workshop feedbackIsabelle Mauger Perez, Marianne Giloux, Héloïse Lecomte, Raluca Pierrot, Jean-Marie Feurtet, Abes

Network posters" competition

For wider distribution, the posters are available on the Zenodo platform of the Abes

The best poster prize was awarded to the poster Café: Automated Creation of Exemplarization Files by Marie Nikichine, IT Department Manager, SCDI Montpellier

In second and third place :

Network posters" competition

The posters will soon be available online

Thanks to all our partners and sponsors

Registration is now closed.

Page currently being updated: videos of speeches given at the Abes 2024 event will gradually be put online.

Find out more: Abes 2024 days: program unveiled