Programme for the Day of 27 May 2019
- Introduction of the day - David Aymonin (Abes)
- Sudoc PS : news - Yves Desrichard (Abes)
- ISSN France: assessment and prospects - Philippe Cantié (ISSN France)
- CIEPS: assessment and perspectives - Nathalie Cornic (International ISSN Centre)
- Round table: "50 nuances of PCPP" - Mathieu Cordonnier (CTLes), Julie Mistral (Abes), Romain Wenz (Direction de la Documentation de l'université de Bordeaux), Julie Janody (RNBM). Presentation and moderation by Yves Desrichard (Abes)
- Workshop 1 Preparation, exposure, reuse of data, what can be done?
- EZPCPP, an API for weeding assistance - Guillaume Parisot (Université Catholique de Lille) More information: see Floriane Mestelan's poster presented at the Jabes
- An API to make the CR67 corpora speak - and to enhance their value - Emmanuelle Rauzy and Géraldine Geoffroy (Network Centre of the Sudoc-PS PACA/ Nice, Library of the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
- Workshop 2 Managing a PCP in an institution, impacts and tools.
- How participation in several PCPs was set up and integrated within the BU - Christophe Blanchard (Université Paris 8, Service des périodiques) :
- Workshop 3 : Collaboration between centres in the network Sudoc-PS, why, how?
- Mutualisation and mutual aid between Ile-de-France RCs, to spread in Ile-de-France and beyond. - Cécile Manigler and Julie Arros (Centre du Réseau du Sudoc-PS Sciences exactes et appliquées - Sorbonne University)
- Perioclic, from PCPs to shared reading ? - Sylvie Vandamme and Aurélie Puissant (Central Reserve of the Public Reading Network of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation) :