Arabesques n°73

January-February-March 2014

This issue of Arabesques, echoing the issues raised at the last ADBU congress, takes stock of the role of IST infrastructures in the valorisation of research data.

This first issue of the year 2014 is also an opportunity for the editorial board to wish Arabesques readers a very happy new year!

In this issue 73 :

Dossier : Sowing, spreading - The valorisation of research data

  • Research data: definition and challenges, Thierry Fournier
  • From Archives to Research Data, Magalie Moysan
  • The Berlin Declaration, ten years later, Roger Genet
  • The data of the thesis research, Joachim Schöpfel
  • Collecting data or experimenting: a quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns, Samuel Goëta
  • The need to share scientific data: the example of astronomy, Françoise Genova
  • In the field of research data at Lille 1, Marie-Madeleine Géroudet
  • The Inist-CNRS and the challenge of research data, Catherine Poupon-Czysz
  • Intermediate archiving of scientific data at Cines, Marion Massol / Stéphane Coutin
  • A deluge of data: a look back at the 2013 Frédoc days, Jean-Marie Feurtet / Marion Grand-Démery

Spotlight on

  •  The Kandinsky Library: At the Crossroads of the Arts, Sylvia Bozan

News & Events

  • Mutualize and decompartmentalize! Meeting with Jérôme Kalfon, director of the Abes
  • The building sites of the Abes, Christine Fleury