October-November-December 2015
In this issue of 80:
File: Close to the users - Services around the collections
- From Cadist to Collex: national schemes to enhance collections, François Cavalier
- Istex services - Istex beyond the acquisition, Jean-Marie Pierrel
- CTLES services in evolution, Jean-Louis Baraggioli
- Librarian's management of collections today. Focus on the National Library of France, Anne Pasquignon
- Digital services based on the BNF's digitized collections: Gallica's "thousand generations", Sophie Bertrand
- Le patrimoine et ses collections en refondation, Bernard Huchet
- The Inguimbertine Library-Museum, Jean-François Delmas
- Transforming collections into information thanks to semantic web technologies, Etienne Cavalié, Géraldine Geoffroy
- Evaluating collections to better serve users, Franck Smith
- Thinking about collections with users: libraries at the time of co-construction, Elise Breton
Spotlight on
The University Library of Medicine of Montpellier, Hélène Lorblanchet
News & Events
- Afnor/BNF Bibliographic Transition
- DaysAbes : transitions
- Calamesthe age of reason
Patrick Latour, Assistant to the Director, in charge of manuscripts and archives at the Mazarine Library
Cover image: Big readers aaron_eos_photography / Flickr (All rights reserved)