Rayonnements interculturels - Foreign libraries in France
July-August-September 2018
- The Goethe-Institute Libraries in France, Sarah Foëzon
- The Library of the German Centre for Art History, Jörg Ebeling
- The Library of the German Historical Institute, Kaja Antonowicz
- The Library of the Austrian Cultural Forum
- EUNIC, Alexandra Filippi
- The library of the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris, Francesco Scaglione
- The library of the Colegio de España, Ana Maria Pedrerol
- The Polish Library in Paris, Witold Zahorski
- The Library of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Filipa Medeiros
- The Nordic Library, Florence Chapuis
- Irish Cultural Centre, Carole Jacquet
- The Terra Foundation for American Art Library, Ewa Bobrowska
- The American Library in Paris, Audrey Chapuis
- The Library of the Arab World Institute, Olga Andriyanova
- The Library of the House of Culture of Japan, Chisato Sugita
Spotlight on
- The library of the Museum of Decorative Arts
- Philippe Le Pape, Head of Standardization at the Abes