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The Calames public catalogue

The catalogue Calames - Catalogue des Archives et Manuscrits de l'Enseignement Supérieur - provides access to the wealth of archives and manuscripts held in the sixty or so member institutions of the network Calames.

Developed byAbes in close collaboration with a working group composed of experts in the field and members of the "first circle" of documentary institutions deployed, the Calames public catalogue provides users with the following functionalities

  • locating a document in a network library Calames
  • identification of a document within a corpus, a fonds, a collection
  • consultation of a document on site or online if it has been digitised
  • monitoring of a subject or the heritage collections of a library from RSS feeds available for each query
  • management of results from a toolbox allowing printing, exporting, quoting a record by its permanent URL, etc.

Note: the Calames catalogue has a "crowd sourcing" option: any authenticated user can contribute to the enrichment of records (e.g. adding bibliographic references, links with other online resources, comments, etc.). The libraries of the Calames network are invited to follow these contributions by subscribing to the dedicated RSS feed.


Customized interfaces: one Calames per establishment

Libraries in the Calames network can have a personalised interface to the Calamescatalogue, created in accordance with their own graphic design and giving access only to the data of the collections reported for their institution.

In May 2024, 19 plants will benefit from this value-added service (see list below).

Note: the Calames interfaces are hosted and maintained byAbes. However, each institution is responsible for adapting the style sheet (CSS) of its custom interface.