Days Abes 2021

12 and 13 October at the Corum - Palais des Congrès de Montpellier

Together, let's give our jobs a boost!

Video recordings of interventions

  • 12 October
  • 13 October

Intervention materials

Note: for wider dissemination, the presentations are available on the Slideshare platform ofAbes.

Posters of the networks 

The posters "Experimentation Sudoc FRBR", designed byAbes and "Introduction to Historical Studies", designed by COUPERIN were presented outside the competition. 

The best poster prize was awarded to the poster " Click & Read, a unified extension to facilitate access to scientific publications", designed by Inist-CNRS.

Tweets from the Days

Messages exchanged via Twitter during the Days (#jabes21): Excel file (click in the Tweet ID column to access the online tweet)

Cocktail reception at the Domaine du Grand Puy

Thank you to Germain Traiteur and all the participants for these moments of conviviality.

Cocktail Days Abes 2021, Domaine du Grand Puy

Together, let's give our jobs a boost!

[page being updated]. 

Note: for wider dissemination, the presentations are available on the Slideshare platform ofAbes. 

Video recordings of interventions

  • morning of 12 October
    • Introduction of the conference by Odile Contat, Head of the Department of Scientific Information and Documentation Network, MESRI - from 0:21
    • Opening lecture: "Librarians in search of legitimacy(ies)", Claude Poissenot, lecturer at the Centre de Recherche sur les Médiations, IUT Nancy Charlemagne, Université de Lorraine - from 0:32 
    • Round table: Changes in the missions of ESR libraries: issues and perspectives, coordinated by Johann Berti, Director of the SCD Aix Marseille University - from 1h17
  • afternoon of 12 October
    • Intervention: " 26 years after the creation ofAbes ", David Aymonin, director ofAbes - from 1h40
    • News fromAbes (part 1) - from 2h15 
    • Parallel session: "The playtime is over": mechanics of alignments of Authors' identifiers, coordinated by Isabelle Mauger Perez, Head of Authorities and Repositories Department, Abes - from 3.50 a.m.
  •  morning of 13 October
    • News fromAbes (part 2) - from 0h20
    • Networking Demos - from 1h10
    • Sponsor session: Learn more about FOLIO: the open source library services platform, Lisa Sjögren, FOLIO Implementation Consultant and Paul Poulain, BibLibre- starting at 2:59
  • afternoon of 13 October
    • Sponsor session: Towards a collective approach to linking metadata, Arnaud Delivet (OCLC) - from 1h26
    • Plenary session: Rethinking theAbes Information System in times of transition, coordinated by Marianne Giloux, Head of Metadata and Network Services, Abes - from 1:52