8th SGB 2022 trade day

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Miniature 8th day SGB

The 8th SGB Professional Day took place online on Monday, December 12, 2022 (#JSGB2022).

In line with previous SGBm days, this meeting is organized to answer all questions about :

  • supportingAbes in re-informatizations 
  • the evolution of Library Management Systems in the ESR landscape.

The intended audience (library directors,Abes relations officers, mBMS project managers) has been invited to attend by individual e-mail. 


Morning (10am - 12pm)

Support forAbes, dialogue with publishers and associations
  • Abes to help you computerize (Abes)
  • Synchronization with Sudoc (Abes)
  • Some trends in the SIGB market (Cabinet Tosca Consultant)
  • Dialogue with publishers (Cabinet Tosca Consultant)
  • Feedback: "Preparing for a move to Folio means ..." (SCD, Université Nantes) (SCD, University of Nantes)
  • RERO-ILS (Consortium UCLouvain, UNamur, USaint-Louis Bruxelles: RDA catalog conversion)

Videos of the day

Running time: 2:19
Laurent Piquemal and Serge Genot - Abes

Length : 13:58
Abes to help you computerize
Serge Genot - Abes

Running time: 18:35
Synchronization with Sudoc
Mike Seror, Géraldine Lambert - Abes

Running time: 13:20
The evolution of the BMS market
Marc Maisonneuve - Tosca Consultants

Running time: 19:01
Dialogue with BMS editors
Marc Maisonneuve - Cabinet Tosca Consultant

Running time: 17:15
Preparing the transition to Folio, Agnès Manneheut - SCD de l'université de Nantes

Running time: 23:01
the RERO-ILS network - Université Catholique de Louvain


Duration: 4:44
Serge Genot - Abes