Authorities Correspondent Study Day 2022

Miniature Correspondent Study Day Authorities 2022

Starred authorities: sharing our recipes for quality data!

The "Starred Authorities" Study Day offered online on 24 May 2022 was devoted to actions to enrich the quality of these data

Any successful work on data quality is based on a clever mix... Method, the right tools, sound advice, data, intention and... why not, a bit of inventiveness!
Recipe, utensils, sharing, ingredients, creativity: what if working on data quality was, in spirit, like gastronomy?
TheAbes invites each Authority Correspondent to a tasty exchange of the best recipes for a successful "three-star" menu! 

Objectives of the Study Day

  • share working methods on the quality of authority data
  • topresent the achievements of the Authority Correspondents
  • to discuss possible collaboration with other actors in the field of reporting 

Consult the " Questions / Answers " file 


10.00-10.10 am

Introduction to the day 

Isabelle Mauger Perez, Abes
Organising your work plan well
10.10-10.30 a.m. Production tools 
François Mistral, Abes
Start with a "homemade" recipe
10:30-10:50 am

Use of Paprika in a project on authority records of research teachers 

Élodie Trottin, SCD of Franche Comté University
Preparing the right ingredients for all RSE guests
10.50-11.20 am

Enrichment of the corpus of authority records of laboratories

Pascale Puget, Yvon Chevet, BAPSO Grenoble Alpes University
Finding a gourmet patron

Setting up projects around the authorities and getting funding is possible! 

Agnès Macquin, Library of the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale
Chloé Besombes, Library of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 

Enjoy your meal!
Getting started
14:00 - 14:20

Quality workshop proposed byAbes on authority records for Mir@bel

Morgane Parra, Abes


Quality workshop proposed byAbes on authority records Physical person Tp1

Isabelle Mauger Perez, Myriam Cordaro, Abes

Exchanges with participants

Organising in brigades

Star and Calames talk about the Corauts: feedback from the survey

Brigitte Michel, Abes

The alignment of the HAL authorities on IdRef within the framework of a project on the authority records of type "teachers researchers".

Florent Potier, SCD of Franche Comté University
François Mistral, Abes

How to work well with the publishing department of your institution? 

Gladys Garzino, Emmanuelle Riou-Genty, Bibliothèque Diderot de Lyon
Follow the chef's advice

Directions for future work around authorities

François Mistral, Abes

Discussion and conclusion

Isabelle Mauger Perez, Abes


Videos of the day

Duration : 00:07:11
Isabelle Mauger Perez (Abes)

Duration : 00:25:50
François Mistral (Abes)

Duration : 00:14:38
Élodie Trottin (SCD of the University of Franche Comté)

Duration : 00:30:26
Pascale Puget and Yvon Chevet (DGD BAPSO Grenoble-Alpes University)

Duration: 00:37:14
Chloé Besombres (Library of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle) and Agnès Macquin (Library of the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale)

Duration : 00:23:33
Isabelle Mauger Perez and Myriam Cordaro (Abes)

Duration : 00:25:04
Florent Potier (SCD of the University of Franche Comté) and François Mistral (Abes)

Duration : 00:16:38
Emmanuelle Riou-Genty and Gladys Garzino (Diderot Library, Lyon)

Duration : 00:17:56
François Mistral (Abes)

Duration : 00:13:42
Isabelle Mauger Perez (Abes)