Reuse metadata from theses

In accordance with the open data policy pursued byAbes since 2012, the metadata produced by the alert networks managed byAbes are subject to the Open Licence of the State drawn up by the Etalab mission. The retrieval and reuse of the data is free of charge, provided that the date of retrieval and the source are indicated. The "conditions of use" are detailed for each data set.

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Terms and conditions of use

In order to comply with the Etalab Open License requirements, the elements present in the header of the XML :

  • dcterms:creator : " ": authority record IdRef identifying theAbes 
  • dcterms:created: provides the date of creation of the record in Sudoc or in STAR
  • dcterms:modified: provides the date of modification of the record in Sudoc or in STAR


Harvesting OAI-PMH STAR

TheOAI-PMH STAR repository makes available the descriptive metadata of all defended and validated electronic theses, with or without a link to the full text, according to the confidentiality requirements associated with theses. The collections are organised according to 3 entries:

  • theses broken down by defence establishment
  • theses broken down by disciplinary field
  • theses available in full text

Available Formats

  • TEF
  • Dublin Core enriched


Exposure of thesis data

Produced from the national applications STEP, STAR and Sudoc, the data available via are retrievable:

Available Formats

  • pour un ensemble de thèses : CSV, JSON
  • pour une thèse en préparation / une page personne / une page organisme : RDF/XML RIS, BIBTEX
  • for a defended thesis: RDF/XML, RIS, BIBTEX

Web services available

Guide to the reuse of data

The thesis data ecosystem

View the presentation: What has become of our data? Data beyond theAbes information system (Journées Abes 2022)