Exploring the corpus of doctoral theses

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Theses.fr, search engine for French theses

theses.fr data ecosystem

The theses. fr search engine provides users with descriptive data on approximately (data as of August 31, 2022) :

  • 431,758 doctoral theses defended in France since 1985 
  • 81,000 theses in preparation 

As a document search interface, theses. fr offers functionalities adapted to the following operations:

  • identification of a doctoral project (ongoing or completed)
  • identifying the different versions of a thesis - including the one validated by the jury
  • access to the full text of an online thesis (if available)
  • possibility tobuy a thesis in an online bookshop (if available)
  • compilation of a bibliography
  • identification of teacher-researchers leading doctoral projects
  • identification of the composition of the juries
  • identification of research structures and supporting institutions
  • identification of libraries that have a thesis available for consultation on site or via an interlibrary loan (ILL) request

Associated services

The theses.fr interface provides the following associated services :

  • results management: query results can be exported in different formats (TXT, XML, CSV, RIS, BIBTEX, JSON)
  • visualization by word cloud of the main scientific fields associated with a contributor (authors, research director, jury members...)
  • sharing options on social networks
  • monitoring: possibility to record requests and to be notified of new developments (RSS subscription)
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The catalogueSudoc, national bibliography of theses

The catalogue Sudoc lists doctoral theses defended in France since 1972, as well as medical and dental theses defended since 1982 and available for consultation at the BIUS - Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de Santé.

Since the implementation of the reporting of electronic theses via the professional application STAR, the data produced in this context feed the catalogue Sudoc. In addition, the Sudoc is progressively enriched in the context of retrospective reporting of older theses.

Note: the conditions of consultation and loan - on site or remotely - vary according to the institutions and the type of user. However, the legislation in force implies that a version of each defended thesis is made available by the defending institution, with the exception of certain theses for which a period of confidentiality is required

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