Exercise theses

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A special case: exercise theses

The theses of practice are defended within the framework of certain health courses for the obtaining of a state diploma of doctorate in the following disciplines:

  • Medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Dental Surgery
  • Veterinary Medicine.

This State diploma therefore gives the right to practice the professions of doctor, pharmacist, dentist or veterinarian. However, it should not be confused with the doctorate diploma obtained after defending a thesis as part of the LMD (Licence, Master, Doctorat) university course: it does not allow you to teach at university, nor to obtain a habilitation to direct research. However, it can be completed by the preparation of a doctorate.

Practice theses are not subject to the same regulations as doctoral theses. They are governed by article R632-23 of the Education Code. Their archiving, their reporting in bibliographic tools, as well as their online dissemination, are not compulsory and depend on the policy of the institutions that deliver the degrees. If the institution chooses to report defended practice theses, it uses the Sudoc, theses.fr being dedicated only to the reporting of doctoral theses.

Abes Provides it to the institutions:

Details : establishments are invited to reappropriate this model and rework it according to their needs.