14 and 15 May at the Corum - Palais des Congrès de Montpellier
For further sharing, the presentations from the 2013 Days Abes and the digital poster montage are available on the Abes SlideShare platform.
- View the videos (filming Canal C2 - University of Strasbourg)
- Keynote Address - Carl Grant, Director of Information Systems, University of Oklahoma: Assessing New Web Services Platforms and Their Impact on Libraries
- Raymond Bérard, Director ofAbes : I just wanted to tell you the text of the speech
- Jean-Pierre Finance, Chairman of the Board of Directors ofAbes : IST: how to prepare the future?
- Alain Colas, Director of the Mission de l'Information Scientifique et des Réseaux Documentaires (MISTRD): IST and Documentation from the point of view of the MESR: continuity and new momentum
- Les Actualités de l'Abes - coordinated by Camille Dumont and presented by Pierre Funk, Laurent Piquemal, Marianne Giloux, Françoise Berthomier and Isabelle Mauger Perez (Abes)
- Round Table Digitization of public domain works. What policies?"
- Yves Alix (Inspecteur Général des Bibliothèques): Introduction
- Anders Toftgaard (Royal Library of Denmark): Presentation of the digitisation policy
- Jeannette Frey (Director of the Lausanne Cantonal and University Library - BCU): What actions? What policies?
- Plenary session - Jean Bernon, Project Manager Abes : The shared BMS at the crossroads
- Course Sudoc - coordinated by Laurent Piquemal (Abes)
- Gildas Illien (BnF): Presentation of the concerted movement Abes-BnF- What trajectory for French catalogues in the Web of data ?
- Philippe Le Pape (Abes) : Sudoc, FRBR, RDA, etc...
- Gregory Miura, Valérie Travier (ADBU - SSI commission): What place for cataloguing today?
- Thesis course - coordinated by Isabelle Martin (Abes)
- Aude Henry (ENS Lyon) and Adeline Rege (University of Strasbourg): The thesis coordinator: a variable geometry role
- Isabelle Mauger Perez (Abes) : theses.fr and Sudoc : competition or complementarity ?
- Isabelle Martin (Abes) : Towards the exhaustiveness of the reporting of theses
- Heritage Course - coordinated by Jean-Marie Feurtet (Abes)
- Jean-Marie Feurtet (Abes): The reporting of heritage to the Abes
- Nathalie Casanova (CICL Arles): Presentation of e-corpus
- Fanny Lambert (University of Paris 8): Un signalement éclaté : fonds spécialisés et patrimoniaux à Paris 8
- Tutorial - Géraldine Lambert and Christophe Parraud (Abes) : COLODUS : exemplarising without WinIBW
- Plenary session - Marin Dacos (OpenEdition): Open access in Freemium mode
- Plenary session Towards an internationally shared knowledge base
- Mauritz Van der Graaf (Cabinet Pléiade): The Abes discovery study
- Liam Earney (JISC): Knowledge Base +: a shared knowledge base
- Kristin Antelman (GOKb Project): GOKB: Global Open Knowledge Base
Session Posters
The opportunity for schools to present a project or initiative in the form of a digital poster (6 slides per project) or a printed poster was very successful: 28 projects were presented.
- digital posters
- posters
- Saint Barbara Library
- SCD - University Bordeaux 3
- ENS Lyon Library - for the Mir@bel network
- Technical Group RDA
- SCD - University of Valenciennes
- SCD - University of Poitiers
- Library of the IUFM of the University of Artois
- BSI - Universciences
- SCD - University Reunion Island
- CThe
- Couperin Consortium
- BCU - Clermont Universities
Tweets of the Days
More than 1000 tweets were exchanged during the Days.