Days Abes 2013

14 and 15 May at the Corum - Palais des Congrès de Montpellier

For further sharing, the presentations from the 2013 Days Abes and the digital poster montage are available on the Abes SlideShare platform.


  • Les Actualités de l'Abes - coordinated by Camille Dumont and presented by Pierre Funk, Laurent Piquemal, Marianne Giloux, Françoise Berthomier and Isabelle Mauger Perez (Abes)


Session Posters

The opportunity for schools to present a project or initiative in the form of a digital poster (6 slides per project) or a printed poster was very successful: 28 projects were presented.


Tweets of the Days

More than 1000 tweets were exchanged during the Days.