6th SGBm 2020 Professional Day

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For the 6th consecutive year, on 15 December 2020, theAbes invited the member establishments of the "SGBm framework agreement". The aim was to take stock of the project's progress, to discuss the deployments that have been completed, are underway and will be carried out in the future, and to gather information on the project's future needs. Read more on Fil'Abes

Videos of the day

Duration: 13:43
Report on the grouping of orders
Serge Genot - Abes

Length: 15:39
Safety Assurance Plan
Marie-Thérèse Tallada - SOGETI

Duration: 5:42
Legal study: market renewal
Serge Genot - Abes

Duration: 32:37
Synchronisation with Sudoc
Mike Seror - Abes, Alexandre Faure - Université de Bordeaux

Length: 29:11
Feedback: reinformatisation of the SCD of the University of Lille
Sophie Demange - University of Lille

Duration: 10:00
New support methods
Serge Genot - Abes

Length: 23:25
Towards a label on interoperability Sudoc
Marc Maisonneuve - Tosca Consultants

Length: 30:51
Overview of open source solutions
Marc Maisonneuve - Tosca Consultants