Directors' Day - 2021

In order to encourage exchanges with the directors of the SCDs and documentary structures that are members of its networks, theAbes is organising for the second consecutive year the Directors' Day scheduled for Tuesday 11 May 2021.

The aim of this annual meeting is to discuss strategic issues related to the reporting of collections as well as other actions of the Agency.

consult the report of the day

Videos of the day

Duration : 00:05:02
Introduction - David Aymonin

Duration : 00:08:00
TheAbes strategy 2018-2022 - David Aymonin

Duration : 01:01:03
Renovating the conventional relationship - David Aymonin, Françoise Berthomier, Marianne Giloux

Duration : 01:03:44
Topics :
- Acquisitions of electronic resources (start at 00:00)
- Quality in Sudoc (start at 07:51)
- ILL (start at : 14:25 )
- Role of Correspondents (start at 23:00)
- Sudoc-PS (start at 30:08)
- Digitization of theses (start at 47:58)
- Calames (start at 57:39)