Support for Shared Conservation Plans for Periodicals

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Mapping of Shared Conservation Plans for Periodicals

  • in red: regional plans
  • in orange: thematic plans
  • icon university icon academic plans

Printed periodical collections are a rich documentary resource. However, these collections, printed on a sometimes fragile medium, are complex to manage for libraries and require significant storage space. In addition, the great diversity of titles makes it impossible for a single institution to cover the entire documentary resource. In order to guarantee access to these collections while sharing the burden of preservation, many libraries have embarked on Periodicals Shared Preservation Plans (PCPP).

As a national agency,Abes fully supports PCPP initiatives:

  • In the framework of the target-based funding defined for the Sudoc PS network, participation in a PCPP is part of the criteria for the award of grants.
  • en coopération  avec les principaux opérateurs du domaine (BnF, CTLes, FILL …)
  • en relation avec le  programme national CollEx-Persée

TheAbes provides PCPP managers with:


List of Shared Conservation Plans for Periodicals

Pour faciliter l’accès aux titres de périodiques inclus dans un PCPP, les données Sudoc comportent un index spécifique (PC), indiqué entre parenthèses dans la liste ci-dessous.



Published in early January 2020, the study Shared conservation plans for periodicals in France: a quantitative and qualitative state of the art counts :

  • 36 PCPPs: 20 regional PCPPs and 16 thematic PCPPs
  • 600 libraries - members of the Sudoc or Sudoc PS networks - involved in 1 or more PCPPs
  • 42,000 securities retained for all PCPPs
  • 71,000 copies reported in Sudoc and located in one or more PCPPs

The study underlines the importance of the quality of descriptive data for continuing resources, and in particular that of copy data, which is the only guarantee of up-to-date collection status in the Sudoc. Périscope, compare your periodical collectionsAn example of the reuse of such enriched data is Sudoc , a tool for visualizing the collection status of periodicals available to PCPP managers.

In the framework of an operational partnership betweenAbes and the CTLes, which coordinates several thematic PCPPs, the data Sudoc are also reused by the Shared Conservation Management Database made available by the CTLes.

The study "Shared conservation plans in France: a quantitative and qualitative state of the art" is updated every year.




En 2020, l’étude Les plans de conservation partagée des périodiques en France : un état de l’art quantitatif et qualitatif dénombrait :

  • 36 PCPPs: 20 regional PCPPs and 16 thematic PCPPs
  • 600 bibliothèques – membres des réseaux Sudoc ou Sudoc PS  impliquées dans un ou plusieurs PCPP
  • 42,000 securities retained for all PCPPs
  • 71,000 copies reported in Sudoc and located in one or more PCPPs

L’étude souligne l’importance de la qualité des données descriptives des ressources continues et notamment celle des données d’exemplaires, garantes d’états de collection actualisés dans le Sudoc.

Périscope, comparez vos collections de périodiques, outil de visualisation des états de collection de périodiques à la disposition des gestionnaires de PCPP, est un exemple de réutilisation des données Sudoc enrichies.

Dans le cadre d’un partenariat opérationnel entre l’Abes et le CTLes qui coordonne plusieurs PCPP thématiques, les données Sudoc sont  réutilisées par la Base de gestion de la conservation partagée  mise à disposition par le CTLes.