Shared cataloguing in the Sudoc

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A shared system at the national level

Shared cataloguing in Sudoc is the mechanism for pooling national bibliographic records for the benefit of all scientific communities. 

Documentary institutions that are members of the network benefit Sudoc from a technical environment and a range of tools and services. 

  • sharing of best practices in cataloguing and reporting of documentary resources: data format based on the international UNIMARC format; systematic links to authority data (authors; communities; subject indexing, etc.); location of copies available in each institution to promote interlibrary loan services and extend documentary coverage
  • production and quality controltools common to the cataloguing teams 
  • export service to local BMSs of data enriched/corrected/updated on a daily basis by all network professionals
  • visibility of ESRcollections in Sudoc and in various international catalogues
  • training and documentation

Several modes of production are proposed:

  • creation, enrichment or correction of bibliographic records from the WinIBW cataloguing interface
  • exemplarisation / localisation on records Sudoc, from the WinIBW cataloguing interface or using COLODUS, a professional exemplarisation application
  • derivation of records from the largest bibliographic databases
  • mass modification or correction of anomalies using specific tools(ITEM, Paprika...) or webservices.

The data produced collectively by the cataloguing teams of the member libraries of the Sudoc network are exported daily to the institutions' Library Management Systems (LMS) as part of the Regular Transfer Service.

WinIBW: cataloguing interface in the Sudoc

Developed and maintained by OCLC, WinIBW is the common cataloging interface used by professionals in ESR libraries that are members of the networkSudoc.

Technical specifications

Accessible to the cataloguers of the network Sudocmember institutions, WinIBW, a client/server application, must be installed on the users' workstations (fixed PCs or laptops equipped with a Windows operating system). The installation of WinIBW with a Mac OS is possible but only from a Windows virtual machine. 

Note: WinIBW version currently in use (January 2020): version

Features and Services

The following features are available : 

  • 3 cataloguing modes: novice, semi-expert and expert
  • several search modes: simple, advanced, index scan
  • customisable interface for the creation / modification / deletion of bibliographic / authority / copy records
  • bibliographic control: creation of links (bibliographic and authorities) between records Sudoc
  • facilitation: automation of certain commands (scripts); provision of record templates; derivation of records from external databases
  • specific modules (reserved for certain user groups): professional user administration; interlibrary loan (ILL); data administration commands

Training in cataloguing with WinIBW is provided throughout the academic year.


Over the years, the ESRAbes has developed and made available to the cataloguers of the ESR's documentary establishments several professional interfaces for the production of metadata interconnected with the databaseSudoc :

  • IdRef, for the production of authority records
  • STAR, for the production of PhD thesis records
  • COLODUS, for the reporting of copies
  • ITEM, for the administration of copies

The interconnection between WinIBW and IdRef and/or COLODUS is left to the free appreciation of each institution.