The administration of copy data in the Sudoc

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ITEM, interface for mass copy processing

The professional application ITEM - Interface for Mass Copy Processing is used for the mass processing of copies reported by the member institutions of the network Sudoc.

ITEM allows the following operations to be carried out autonomously:

  • obtaining a recovery rate: assessing the number of Sudoc records meeting exemplarisation needs
  • perform mass copying: create one or more copies of batches of bibliographic records
  • process batches of copies: add / modify / delete copy information common to batches of records

Access to the ITEM application is subject to authentication and reserved for coordinators Sudoc authorised to work on copies made available by the libraries (RCR) of their institution (ILN).

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COLODUS, exemplarisation interface

The professional application COLODUS is used by institutions that do not have the WinIBW cataloguing tool for the unit processing of copies linked to bibliographic records Sudoc.

COLODUS can be used to perform the following operations:

  • create a new copy
  • modify/delete certain data related to a copy
  • delete a copy

Access to COLODUS is subject to authentication and reserved for professionals who are members of the Sudoc and Sudoc PS networks and who are authorised to work on the copy data of their establishment.